Weird Collectables

Ok, so having my camera out today to take pictures of my t.v. and guitar, I thought I’d take a picture of my “collection”

Jack Daniels is my winter drink, from late Sept. to late March. The big bottles you see are 60’s (60 ounces, 1.75 litres) and the very big one in the back is a “texas mickey(sp)” 3 litres. The reason I saved these is I’m going to build them into a bar one day. I’ve been saving them for the past 3 winters, and my gf actually threw out my first 3, not realizing I was saving them. There are a few 40 ouncers, and 26 ouncers that you can’t see 'cause they are hidden behind the others, plus a couple “mickeys” as we call them here, which are like half a 26er. I also did a photoshop pic that I will hang behind the bar once it’s done:

I printed it out this weekend with my canon s900 and it turned out great.

So, anyone have any collections they’d like to share?

Wow… I don’t have such collection…

But show us pictures of your collection of hangovers after that… incredible pic… !

lol…I don’t get many hangovers, surprisingly :stuck_out_tongue: sure, you must have some collection of “out of the ordinary” stuff?

My guy collects pez dispensers, but not just any . . . I’d take a pic but I lost my digicam last weekend rafting :frowning: New one will hopefully arrive SOON b/c I’m headed to Rome in 2 days and desparately want it with me.

Oh, and he collects and makes small things (hence me :wink: ). I’ll have to grab a photo of our “cabinet of wonders” (aka small crap) that he wont’ let any of us touch without explicit permission. :sure:

That is great!!! pez…what a cool thing to collect. Sorry 'bout the camera thing :frowning: Hope you get your new one in time for ROME!!!


just how small are you?..hope he doesn’t keep you in that cabinet :stuck_out_tongue:

hahah wow nice collection. thats crazy

Nope, no one is allowed in the cabinet but him! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am 4’ 11 1/2 " :wink:

Your collection is crazy. What is your favorite Jack drink? Nice PS pic by the way - awesome colors!

Thanks, now c’mon C1RCA, surely you have some eccentric collection to share :smiley:

i have some bottles up on my bureau but not that many and there nto the same. about 1/8 of what you got acctually. lol

My mom is 4’ 11 1/2"…she’s always stressing the 1/2" lol…that is too funny :stuck_out_tongue: My favourite is Jack and Gingerale ('cause Jack and Ginger just sound like a dance couple to me :smiley: ), but cold, cold nights I have hot apple cider and Jack, and like I said, JD is my winter drink, but I’ll have a few(like under 10) drinks in the summer, and they are JD Smoothies…apple juice, crushed ice and of course Jack Daniels…they are killers in the hot sun :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve also used JD in pizza dough, great taste, I’d recommend it to anyone. Jack Daniels barbeque sauce leaves a little to be desired, 'cept on Pork Chops - it’s amazing. Jack Daniel’s smoker chips for the bbq are also very good…um…I think I’m developing a problem…lol

**edit, and thanks for the comments on the PS pic…it printed out really nice :smiley:

Doesn’t have to be bottles…heck even Barbies would be cool…um, well… :stuck_out_tongue:

Somehow I ended up collecting the business cards from GAP stores. This started when I was maybe 14 and I took one from the Mall on another island (I grew up in Hawaii). So I had that card and was travelling somewhere and thought, I’ll take that one too…

I often forget to get them, but I have cards from stores in:
San Fran, CA
Hollywood, CA
Seattle, WA
Portland, OR
Las Vegas, NV
Tucson, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Honolulu, HI
London, UK
Orlando, FL
Boston, MA
Henderson, NV
Torrence, CA
Bellingham, WA

Edit… I guess I also collect domain names I like. I have about 94 of them.

Which mall in HI Ethan? I’m headed back in November possibly so I can get you another if you want :wink:

Oh man! Who in this godlike world didn’t have a huge set of Pokemon cards?! Ehrm… lol, well hey, I was little, and man I had boxes of em.


I have the Pearlridge, and Alomoana ones. There are probably more stores there now.
I get them from the major stores and major cities, I guess some people collect postcards or magnets from the states they go to… I collect the GAP cards.

That is a ton of bottles. Cool stuff.
I used to collect the toys from those german kinder eggs things, but as I got older and when I could no longer get the real german ones I just ended up chucking them all. I only had like 150 or something, I wanted them all :*(

That is so cool!!! Man, that’s the kind of weird stuff I was talking about :stuck_out_tongue: If I get any Canadian ones I’ll email 'em to ya :wink:

I used to have a bunch of those too…don’t know if they were the german ones?? I don’t even know what you mean by that…but it was like 50 or so…but when me and my ex-girlfriend broke up, she got 'em …now I have to pay Kindermony :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the majority of the one’s I had I either bought in Germany personally or had my uncle that lived there send them to me. If you bought them in the states they were the cruddy American remake one’s. DANG AMERICAN’s. Crap. I’m american.

Mine we’re bought in Canada, but I’m sure they were the crappy kind :frowning: Loved putting them together though…then every once in a while you’d get a “dud” the little metal guy that needed no assembly.