Hey Guys,
Got a weird issue with motion tween.
Im making kind of slideshow for my project; assume every frame is a single slide. all of the frames have eventlisteners for
KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event. just like this example:
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, KeyPressed);
function KeyPressed (e:KeyboardEvent):void
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
{ gotoAndPlay("Menu5")
So whenever i click right arrow on keyboard it navigates to next slide, It worked perfectly until i created a frame with motion tween on it.
It’s simple box which moves from left to right and stops, just like pop-up menu. This new frame has completely no actionscript excluding
command not to move to next slide itself. So here is the weird part: when i press right arrow button on this frame the motion tween replays itself! strange right?
I just can’t get it, why it plays that left to right tween again? If I create a new blank project and copy that box movieclip to it and test again - nothing happens. It looks like previous frame’s actionscript is somehow interferring with that frame.
Any help is greatly aprecciated,
I’m using FLash CS3 and actionscript 3.0.
Also I’ve uploaded the slideshow, run through it to see yourslef. (frame labeled Menu5 is that frame with box on it)