Whenever I import a picture like gif or jpg into flash, there appear some borders (not easily noticeable but still there) around them… I’ve tried cropping, breaking apart, masking over , but the lines are still there. whyyyyyyy?..
are you sure your screen is not ghosting?
apart from that it is impossible to give an answer without you posting an example.
how does a screen ghost? Is that a phenomenon I’m not aware of? That sounds funny
I’ll post an example.
anybody have a similar problem? :h:
Are you exporting out of photoshop by any chance? I got rid of my border by using the “save for web . . .” option and saved as a png. Comes in very nicely in Flash!
Yea, I have the same exact problem. I was importing a graphic to flash it had this thick line on the top left of the g-phic. But, opening you file…I don’t exactly see a problem.
Then it must be what ericinho was talking about. My screen is ghosting… Thanx for the replies guys