sorry to post a question in random, but it’s sort of a random question:
i just did a fresh instal of windows xp and adobe cs3 last night. today i opened up a file that i’ve been working on for weeks to find that the colors were all messed up. at first i thought it was a monitor calibration issue and tried to work with the color gammas, but i couldn’t get it back the way it was.
i needed to get this file edited for a client so i pushed on even tho my design was almost too dark to even be legible. i made the edits and chose to Save for Web and to my surprise the web image was the correct color and brightness, i moved the …for Web window over and saw that the original file back in photoshop was still dark and dull brown…
it doesn’t make any sense!
check out the screen shot, i opened the same image in photoshop and in windows preview. you can see the the image in photoshop looks like it’s been sepia toned! the same exact image in windows preview looks like it’s supposed to look… like it’s looked for weeks!
i can’t seem to find any color settings in photoshop that change this issue.
do any of you have any idea how to fix it… i can’t work like this!
thanks :joker: