Weird text problems

Hey, I seem to be having some weird font problems.
If you could check this site out:

My weird text problem (upper right Gods Among Men)

Anyways, u guys on the forum have been great help in the past, and I’s sure you guys know what the problem is.

There is a weird grey line going through the text, and the “d” in the word Gods is filled in, but neither of these problems show up in my .fla document.

Help me please =)



interesting…could you post your fla, maybe i can fix it. =)

here ya go

ill post the font file in the next post

heres the font
good luck :smirk:
awesome fast response too

Hmm…that is pretty strange, I looked at your fla, but couldn’t figure out what was causing that glitch. So the only solution I could think of was to convert the title to a static image. So I opened up photoshop and typed out the title and saved it as an image. Then I imported it into your fla and replaced your text title with the image title I just made and now it seems to work just fine. I attached the fixed file, I hope that is what you want. =)

ok, well at least i know im not nuts.
thanks for fixin that. awesome.

well since im posting again, i have another question. off topic though.

my next question deals with loading text through a variable, into a dynamic text field. I can get it to work fine, kinda, but the text i want to load contains some html, (formatting, possibly a table).

Anyways, when i do it, and test the movie, the text shows up in the text field like it should, but it doesnt render the html tags, they show up in the text field along with the text!


silly flash!

(o ya, and i DO have the render text as html selected for the dynamic text field i am loading into.)


if your still up dude, here is the fla for mah new problem and the txt file that loads into it



To my knowledge, I don’t think flash is capable of reading html tables. It could read stuff like size, color, bold, italic, etc…but as far as having tables, I don’t think its possible.

no tables. that’s cool.

but in my text file, all i have are bold, italics and <p> </p> tags.
wait, i even removed the <p> </p> tags, and the <b><i>…and the </b></i> are still showing up


i r st00pid. help me.



Ok I took a look at your fla and everything seems correct, I just can’t find the problem. I’m guessing its the way your html is formatted, but I can’t find the problem. I tried reformatting it by adding in the < font> and < /font> tags but it still doesn’t work. So I’m stumped, I even try using a different font and no luck either, sorry, maybe someone else will read this thread and might be able to help.

thanks for lookin at it.

i figured out what i did wrong
i needed to add the following to the load text code

news.html = true
news.htmltext = blah blah

or something like that, anyways thanks a lot for all ur help

now if i can only figure our how to load the news swf into my main page u looked at earlier…then ill be rollin

anyways, time for sleepy

thanks for everything


just wondering

but i showed that flash .html page to my friend in my CS clan
i uploaded it to our site, but he sees all the text as Times New Roman or something, not as the CarbonizedTimber.

He obviously doesnt have that font, but most people dont, so how do i embed that so people who dont have the font see the correct font. the font i used in the design, not just some replacement font.

i thought flash does that automatically

/me shrugs

oh well time for sleep

thanks again

:crazy: chopper :crazy:

click on your text box to select it, then in your properties panel, click on the character button and it will give you a few options of how you would like to embed the font. You can choose to embed just the characters you’re using or embed the whole thing. Keep in mind that the more characters you use, the larger your swf file size will be. So try to embed just the characters you’re actually going to use.

I had the same problem with my "d"s and "e"s and "o"s etc getting filled in. Lost says it happens if you are using a pixel font that is intended for Photoshop use, not Flash. It also happens if your text box is not on a whole pixel. It might also be happening because the font is being anti-aliased and the font doesn’t like that.

Electrongeek’s idea to rasterize the font was a great one, but you can do that directly in Flash, I believe. Just conver the text box to a fill, and it will remain a vector graphic, taking up much less bytes than an imported photoshop graphic.

wow that is great, I didnt know you could make it a fill, that would save a lot of time too. Thanks alethos. =)