Welcome gfxguy!

[SIZE=7]Welcome to the forum gfxguy!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]

Everyone, I would like you to welcome my good friend gfxguy. We go to school together and he basically taught me photoshop. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have a darn clue how to use the program. =)

Where are you Jon? Hurry up and come say hello!! =)

Welcome to the forum man.

Glad to have you around.

And uh oh… competition with EG… dum dum dummmmm!!!

Well no one can beat edwin either way :wink:

Welcome! another one of the brains has joined us!

[SIZE=1]oh and egeek that big text is starting to get annoying ;)(-:[/SIZE]

It’s gettign annoying huh? Okay I’ll make them even bigger next time…muahahhahaha :evil:

hellO! and thank you

What a wonderful welcome. =)

I hope I can provide some help while among the forum! Maybe I might learn a thing or two :]

[SIZE=1]welcome to the forum[/SIZE]
^^^isn’t that better?^^^

Hey gfxguy!
Welcome to the forums =)

Kirupa (-:

Finally you showed up gfxguy aka PS guru… hahah I was starting to think that you stood us up and made me look bad for creating this welcome thread. Good to have you here jon. =)

First thing to learn:

I am the most postastic person on the board :wink:

Phil Jayhan is the biggest “conversationalist”

Eilsoe is the Worm, and creator of most of the smilies used on this forum.

Ilyaslamasse is the code master

Senocular is the code master

h88 is the server-side flash master

eyezburg is the server-side flash master

Electrongeek you know

Edwin is the best artist

dan4885 is a great artist and flasher

my mind is blank now, there are so many people on this forum but none popping into my head.

Oh yeah, and this forum is famous for trout slappings…

:trout: TAKE THAT!

OH yeah, trout smiley by guig0, a great pixel artist and did a couple of the smileys on the forum.

…and Jubba knows PHP



Yeah, Jubba is a great flasher and currently PHP learner, but he is real good at that too.

Kitiara is the best line artist ever

Rennaisance Girl is a great designer.

Syko is forum helper boy

Sintax is the forum bartender

Thanks for the intro! :beam:

oh yeah how could we forget Kitiara???
and sintax and etc…

Lost postaticly conversationalised:
Syko is forum helper boy

LOL!:!: (-: :beam:

Good luck remembering all that :wink:

Missed little old me :skull:

Hehe :bounce:

  • Soul :goatee:

oh yeah…
soul - the guy… whose soul was eaten by moneys! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

moneys? :x

Hey Jon, I feel wierd calling you gfxguy, when did you finish that little photo gallery of Emilie? That’s pretty cool. =)


*Originally posted by gfxguy *
**moneys? :x **

check his status below the avatar! :slight_smile: