Welcome Poseur (Melanie)

Yes that’s right! A real person! I actually know for a fact that she’s animate, unlike most of the people on this forum that I encounter.

Treat her nicely now, y’all hear?


I told him I didn’t want a goddamn welcome thread. I hate you, Harish.

edit: thanks lover ;-*

[whisper]She’s kidding of course…[/whisper]

Welcome Poseur!

Merci beaucoup!

Hey Melanie Welcome to the forum.
[whisper]Harish has friends?[/whisper]


welcome! so u go to the same school? how do u know each other?

Kinda… actually, he went to elementary school with my sister, and they kept in touch, I guess? But I run into him at the local Giant sometimes. And we’re both gonna be in the audience at an inter-school foreign language competition in a few days, right? RIGHT?!

I know her sister who went to the same elementary school for 5th grade. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully competitor, the current competitors are naturally going to oversleep on Saturday and leave me the only one at the competition.

Welcome to the forum.

nice apple :thumb:

Thanks for all the welcomes! :]

Good look with that.

If high-schoolers were allowed to compete, I’d completely dominate your assss. :sunglasses:

Fermez la bouche!

Va te faire foutre!

ahoi hoi

have an :egg:
[whisper]in memory of b3nkobe[/whisper]

:slight_smile: welcome Harish’s friend

now what language was that poseur?

Français of course! (French)

I miss b3nkobe what happened to him?