Well Done Kman!

Wooooooooo woooooooooo. K forums back up again. This was the first time I actually realized I was affected by what is known as “kirupamus forumide”, known more commonly as the kirupa forum bug. :slight_smile:

Holy shizzigins! I’ve been out of town all week at a dumb work conference and I come home to find . . . . NO FORUMS. I thought I was going to go crazy! :sen: Talk about withdrawal symptoms! Talk about a Lunatic! :hr:

Good job K man! :beer:


Ya i’m glad everything is back to normal, no I can go back to surfing the boards and not getting anything that I need to get done, done.

or something…

Everything should work from now on :slight_smile: I did a quick check of everything, and server load is average and no random errors can be found.

woo hoo!

Man i was really fretting here, i was trying to look up information for flash etc… (something wasent working) and i had to go to other sites (shudder) which took me 10 times as long to find an answer =) and this i just browsing their pages! anyway =) glad its back up =)

Poor attachments :frowning:

Someone must have attached a corrupted file? or an errant file name? Oh well…glad they are back online…missed ya’ll.


woot good job k-$money$ fo shizzle.

hmmm I just discovered that my user CP is not showing what posts I have made?

someone also mentioned something about subscribed threads not working (this was directly after the first comeback). I dont use that schtuff, so I dont know if its really not working or not… anyone else having problems with it?

It’s not displaying in User CP, but the link http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/member2.php?s=&action=viewsubscription does seem to show all the threads though :beam:

I found a bug! My inbox has no private messages in it!

… oh wait, nothings changed :stuck_out_tongue:

Woohoo… :beam:

i actually was checking my emails and saw that i had replies to threads, so i assume the forums where back up.

Now Mirc is going to be dead again, :frowning: that was actually getting fun…

o well, well done Kirupa / njs and others who fixed the problem.

i have NEVER been that productive in my life…i miss procrastinating…

thanks for getting them back up! :thumb:

so previous attachments are lost so what about if you need to look bak at an old thread for a posted attachment like an fla?

then tough teetees.

lol! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeh good one :sigh: …

Move it along, nothing to see here.
