The old smileys which this site has had forever are starting to really show their age. They were designed when 72dpi displays were all the rage :trout:
Today, they are all blurry. What should we do? I lean towards hiding them and creating a special page on the site where we memorialize these smileys as something core to this site’s history.
Yes - that will totally be doable! I could even have it so that clicking on each of the smileys will copy the img path to the clipboard with the appropriate syntax needed for the forums :ninja:
Modernize them, convert them to CSS “box-shadow” via Canvas then onward to SVG. Then sell them as on-demand t-shirts, laptop static clings, temporary tattoos, etc., so we can walk around with the smilies of the past and bask in all their K-ville pixelated glory.
I went through and renamed some of the conflicting smilies. Typing ;) from now in will use the newer version. The old one is now under :winkold:, :winkold:
Didn’t even know that button existed! This will take a bit of time, for the earlier solution I used was to simply remove the explicit value for the smiley width. The aspect ratio was preserved since the height was set to 20px. That doesn’t work here.