Hi guys i have posted this in the Flash 8 section but have not had much response. Thought maybe someone here can help me.
Right first of all im a designer, deal with graphics only and in recent times have seen the need to developing as well as designing myself. I have been wanting to familiarise myself with Flash and had recently made something where text would fade in and out whilst its moving. The source file can be downloaded here: http://www.averroesdesign.com/home.fla
I realised that for the subtl result, I spent way too much time as i should have. It really didnt seem normal that I spent endless hours with something that most likely can be done usin a simpler way. Likewise a few people mentioned tackling the problem via action script.
So here i plodded along finding action script tutorials (i have very minimal programming knowledge, infact remember doing hello world and basic addition calculator).
I found a few tutorials but not a single worked for me even though i followed them step by step. Which come to the Kirupa tutorial here: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/tween.htm
Instead of copying this one, i actually downloaded the source file which was kindly uploaded by the author of the tutorial. I tested the source file and it worked. I tinkered with it so that i can make it do a few things i would prefer and these were execute with success.
Now I decided on making my own, but back to square one, nothing happens when i execute. What could i be doing wrong. Im making sure im using the right names and everything but no movement in the executed file.
Just to give an idea as to what i am doing.
To simplify things im making a circle on the canvas. F8, convert to movie clip. Giving it a relevant name. In another layer right clicking on the first frame and selecting action for the action script panel to appear. Enter the code via copy/paste to make sure there are no mistakes when typing. And then Ctrl+Enter. All i get is a the little circle in a a stationary position. I tried the above with text too but to no avail
Likewise, guys please help