I am using actionscript to load random quotes from a text file into a dynamic text box. Essentially this works fine - I press the button and a random quote is pulled from the text file. However, occasionally a little box with a question-mark in it will appear along with the text when I play the swf. I assume this means that somethings within the text file are not recognised. Generally these are “…” “'s” “'v” “-” although this doesn’t occur in every case which is why I am confused.
Does anybody know why this occurs in some cases and not others?
Also, out of curiosity, is there a way to put an extra ‘return space’ into the quotes without messing up the code? like right now they
but I was wondering if they could
because some of them are fairly long and it gets slightly confusing sometimes, in terms of readability.
Anyway, I’ve uploaded the text file - any help would be really appreciated - been trying to get this quote page sorted for days ;p
(if it helps the actionscript I used is below - but I’m fairly sure that’s working fine now).
ranQuote = new LoadVars();
ranQuote.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
RanNum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*620);
ran = ranQuote[“quote”+RanNum];
quote_txt.text = ran;
else {
quote_txt.text = “Sorry, the quotes appear to have been eaten by a giraffe, please try again later ^^”;