So not to hi-jack the thread … My real computer is a Dell Inspiron 8200 I got July 2002. I just put another 256 in, got my baby up to 512 RAM now. Haven’t had any problems 'cept the nVidia drivers from last year, went to a default driver and it’s been awesome since.
Does what I need it to, and does it fast enough for me. Got my Mac OS X theme on there, and that Flurry screen saver. I’ve turned it into a Mac poser And I love it!
if all you can say is lol then you don’t know anything. Anyone with half a brain can post a comment like that and not actually have anything to say. Don’t trust me, read Consumer Reports.
*Originally posted by Thinker2501 *
**if all you can say is lol then you don’t know anything. Anyone with half a brain can post a comment like that and not actually have anything to say. **
nah I have a gateway too. And I do love it. It is rather slow now. When I bought it windowsME was the latest and greatest. Quickly did away with that tho. But yes gateway has had many problems. They gave me a bunch of free stuff because they kept messing up my order.
I have two custom desktop machines, an Intel rack-mount server and an IBM laptop.
The IBM laptop was ridiculously expensive but it’s the most stable machine I have. No problems whatsoever… I guess that kind of makes it boring so the ‘snore’ comment is kind of fitting, but I’d rather have that than having it quit on me in the middle of a presentation…