What did you get for Xmus

why should you be worried? heh

*Originally posted by Coppertop *
a cd (alexisonfire)
sounds like it should be the greatest CD ever made! :smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**good books lost :wink:

those taught me PHP and MySQL from scratch =) **

Yes they are! They are what I always tell people to buy! :beam:

strangely enough I got

  1. Fire Extengisher: to put in my car (I think my parents are on the pestimistic side about my driving)
  2. Jumper Cables with 20 foot cord
  3. Car seat covers
  4. Tools like wrenches and screw drivers. I think my parents hint that they want me to get of the computer and do stuff like they did when they were kids.
  5. Xbox Game don’t remember the name, gonna return it for a better one.
  6. Red Hot Chilli Peppers Greatest Hits CD
  7. Jacket (nice one)

Now the two presents I really care about :drool:
8. Game Programming in Flash MX 2004 by Craig Murray
9. Leo Laports Tech Tv Tecnology Almanac

so all in all ok christmas :?). I’m not too sure about all that car/tool stuff though. That definately wasn’t on the list ;P. Only thing I would of liked is the other two books on my list and maybe money for a new computer ;).

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I got…





Jak and Daxter

Need For Speed Underground

Yay! **
hm…that seems like a good PHP book. I might have to purchase it for myself as well.

I was thinking the same thing, but sometimes i think i learn better on my own. The only book tech book i’ve ever read was an HTML book, and that was because i HAD to.

I have quite a few tech books. I like to use them as a reference. Plus I don’t always feel like searching the web for certain tutorials.

Jubba: Yes, I remember you recommended those books to me in the past, so I jotted them down for my x-mas list and I got them. I was so excited.

Thor: So far, they athe PHP book is great, but alas I have not time to read it and am only up to page 50. However, so far i’ve learned quite a bit and can’t wait to continue reading. And considering how good Jubba is with PHP and the fact that he recommends this book, it’s just gotta be good!

Phil - that’s very true, everything you just wrote. It’s really very true that everyone seems to get caught it up in the season of giving and recieving and not what it’s really about - myself included. I feel that if I didnt get enough for everyone I am a bad person. I cannot help it - it’s just the way I am. My mom, my brother and I all great up together mom would always go in dept for months just to give us a good christmas, it’s not till know that we know this. I think this might be where I get that whole giving thing from.

Personally I made out really well this year.

Project Gothem Racing 2
Prince of Persia
Ultimate Gretzkey DVD
Bad Boys 2 DVD
Microsoft mouse and keyboard (wireless - with natural keyboard!)

Lot’s of chocolate that I dont need and a bunch of socks and underwear

oh yah - and a tooth brush :wink:

Prince of Persia was a great game; I love playing it with drum n’ bass music in the background (à la the commercial of the game). It’s so much fun :thumb:

You are so right man, I love this game so much. I just wish it was longer. I am about 20% done and have only played about 2 hours. If this keeps up it will only be about 10 hours of gameplay. :frowning:

Ah well, this game is so great, I just don’t want it to end!

I got medal of honor… i beat it already :frowning:

Dunno… Had the flu the entire past couple of days and was out of commission…

Nothing though… Family is away.

Ohh… Some nice Christmas Cards :slight_smile:

Hmm every year I plan on buying a real expensive gift for myself but it never happens. The reason? Most of the money goes to buying great gifts for my son. The way his eyes light up when he opens his gifts is the best present for me.
It’s priceless=)

That’s great edg3 - I can see what you mean. I have a way better time watching people open the gifts that I get them than I do opening my own gifts. Especialy if I know it’s something that they really wanted.

A nice new chair for my office room…

boring but a good present…:smirk: