What happened to our spam thread?

Is our little affiliateless cult finito? :frowning: I must have missed something…

it’s still where it was - in the test forum. :smiley:

Well yeah, I know that. :sure: But it’s closed now.

Oh - let me open it then :slight_smile: Not sure who would have closed that thread, but I don’t see any reasons for it being closed in the mod forum.

I guess maybe ethan closed it than.

little?!?! :huh:


Last time I checked he wasn’t a mod was he ?

sorry, my mistake, I just thought that the treadstarter can close down his/her own threads, like in many vB3 boards

check and m8 :stuck_out_tongue:

I had it closed because it was just getting spammed, and there was no creativity going on. Plus our enemies knew where our base was and I think our encrypting technology was hacked. Stay tuned KTNAC fans, where will they pop up next???