What if i made

A paper tutorial for photoshop?

Would you all use it?

Would it get posted under the tutorial section if found worthy?


^that’s some that got a good review, not the best

I just wanted to see what everyone thought, before I went off and did it…

ooo…yes i definatly would use it :slight_smile:

i would use it!

definately make it :slight_smile:

yeah deffenatly, there are none out there.

yeah it’d be good - especially if you could help us do texture like sintax’s: http://www.sintax321.com/jody/bgtest2.jpg

sounds good prstudio! go for it! :slight_smile:

I wish I could make textures… though, I suppose it requires the action of actually looking it up? :wink:

That would be awesome dude… textures are my biggest downfall.

Sounds like a new page in the tutorial section might be in order…:slight_smile:

PhotoShop Techniques…???

Where’s the Kirupa suggestion box located…???

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**yeah it’d be good - especially if you could help us do texture like sintax’s: http://www.sintax321.com/jody/bgtest2.jpg **

I though that was a pic of his garage wall?

lol ok guys -
gimme a few to get it on
lol you guys are awesome

*Originally posted by BBatPA *
**Where’s the Kirupa suggestion box located…??? **


btw he already is going to put up a Photoshop tutorial section as soon as he gets some decent tutorials (hint hint!!).

sounds cool. theres no exact way to do the effect, so try to keep it pretty open :wink:

i tried to get hte PS section up a bit back, but no one would write tuts. i have about 3 or 4 that i can change to the k template and submit them. you write yours. but i will use thsi, get crackin!


yeah there is a lot of touch and go in doing it, but there are some basics - some tricks