Im going to get a 10 by 16 (cm) one for chrismas nothing fancy, Im alot better with a pen than I am with a mouse and. My teachers says my eye coordination is higly developed probably because I’ve been typing and playing the piano since I was 4 years old.
yeah, i have had my wacom graphire2 for almost a year now and it has served me well, though i think i may overuse it, as it is starting to develop scratches on the plastic guard on it. they’re great; they work the same way as a mouse, except the tip of the pen controls the cursor. i don’t even have to use my regular mouse anymore; everything is navigated by the tablet. mine is a 4x6, and it works great. i don’t really understand the need for larger ones. sure, it’s nice because you don’t have to stop mid-stroke, but it doesn’t make too much of a difference.
anyway, go for the wacom graphire2 definately. though i don’t think it is wacom’s best illustration tablet, it serves its purpose pretty ■■■■ well, and for a reasonable cost.
we use the cintiq here at work and it is totally awesome although I do not use it much I use my graphire. But woth the cintiq you see your stuff on the tablet screen which is awesome. I am just so used to using my mouse it is hard to train myself…If you have deep pockets get the cintiq…Or try to hide the cost in one of your projects :bandit: But you did not hear that from me.
ive used CITIQ type models b4 and blah…i dunno…i perfer good ol tablet cause hands can get in the way lol. as far as tablets go…they are mostly useful if u draw or color a lot on PC, if all u do is 3d work u probably dont need it. i use mine as a mouse since mouse hurts my hands. hehe - if you still want it, let me know dude.
tell your parent’s it’s an ealry christmas present
If you want - I can email you a pic of it and the box and everything, just so you know I am not messin with ya!
Ok, now I have a question about tablets. I really want one, no matter what…lol. I hate drawing with a mouse!
Ok, so this is my question. You said with the Cintiq one you can see what you are drawing on the tablet, but of course these are ultra expensive. Now what I am wondering is, with the regular tablets, do you have to guess and check where you are drawing and coloring all the time? I would think that would be annoying :-\ (still want one though…lol)
intuos = over 1000 levels of pressure which leads to AWESOME use of photoshop… also because of its magnetic tip it can sense the angle of your pen and accordingly adjust your tool… ie your “paintbrush” becomes basically like the real thing! I love mine, and would reccomend it to anyone in the market for it.
not with the wacom intuos… you can go between two different modes depending on what you like… you can have it be an exact representation of your screen, meaning if you put the pen down in the bottom right corner then lift it and put down in the top left when you do your on screen tool will be there too - or - you can have it work just like a mouse… if you pick it up and move it and put it back down nothing will move until you do. Also you need to know that the intuos will follow your pen even if it is raised off the pad up too about half an inch, so the look of it on screen and the feel of it in your hand is VERY much like a real pen.
But there is no way to just look at the pad and see where you’ve been.
posted my last one the same time as you Beta!
OOO the Intuos sounds great. Way expensive though :-\
With the tablet I am selling - it works much like the ones you are talking about. It’s a Wacom. The pad that you draw on, is the size in relation to your computer screen. So if you are putting your pen down on the top right corner of the pad - it’s the top right corner of the screen. As to knowing where you are on the screen, it’s just like a mouse so you can always see where you are drawing - to be honest you dont even look at the pad, just the screen - it’s really cool. If you are looking for a great program to test it with try Corel Painter 7 - it’s AMAZING for painting and artistry. You can choose your canvas type, what kind of paints and other mediums you work with (such as chalk, pastel, pencil - you name it!) You can even make your water colour paintings run and smear just like in real life - you wont belive it if you havent tried it.
So yah - I hope I answerd your questions in there Beta, I think you will understand what I mean.
ShureShot, pics of it would be awsome!
Thanks for that info as well Sure Shot, it did help.
Now I must drool and stare at the Wacom website…LOL.
lol well early Christmas present wont work. but my mom said that she might buy it and then not let me use it untill X-MAS but i dont know. just when you get a chance pics plz!
so how big is the thing actually? I was thinking of getting the Graphire2 and the site says
Tablet Dimensions: 8.2" x 8.4" x .4"
Active Area: 3.65" x 5"
what does that mean?
Tablet Dimensions: 8.2" x 8.4" x .4"
Tablet Dimensions: height x width x thickness
Active Area: 3.65" x 5"
Active Area: height x width of active area for you to draw on.
thats what i thought, but that is so small i thought maybe i was getting my american measurements wrong… that is so small? lost didn’t you say you were going to buy one?
No, I said I want so badly to buy one, but can’t afford it
hey guys…
Search for something like… “Wacom Graphire2”
$88 us… Better than 99
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Tablet Dimensions: 8.2" x 8.4" x .4"
Tablet Dimensions: height x width x thickness
Active Area: 3.65" x 5"
Active Area: height x width of active area for you to draw on. **
Guys, is this a good enough area to work with if you are getting a tablet? Especially since this is my first one… Is this what you guys recommend?
yeah it is cool to start…the postion is relative to your screen size…It is addicting I warn you