My setup is very simple. I just use my Line 6 GuitarPort and record with their RiffTracker software. Overall it works very well for what I use it for. I can just plug in my guitar or mic and press record. It’s got a lot of guitar tones to mess around with so I can always find what I’m looking for.
The one drawback is the drums. There are only a handful of different styles and within those styles there is only so much I can control, basically tempo and variation.
I was wondering if anyone here knows of a recording software or setup where I could have complete control of the drums (without actually playing them). I’d like to be able to say when there’s a bass kick or a high-hat and then be able to vary that throughout the song. Basically build my own drum tracks. Is this asking too much or is there an option available? The cheaper the better because I don’t have a lot of extra money I can spend right now.
Thanks for any advice.
And, what’s your setup?