What should I really know in C#?

Learning a language shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks. And even if one wants to go deeper, it still shouldn’t take more than a month, in my opinion…

I’ve been going through almost all things here: (http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/CSharp/CatalogCSharp.htm) and it’s taking quite a long time.

This question is directed to Kirupa, and other people who have been doing C# stuff: How long did it take you guys to learn C#? What stuff (important things) should I really focus on when learning C#? Any tips you can give me to speed up my learning process?

There’s one problem with that site. Sometimes it has the same article multiplied many times. I like how they just have examples, but they also don’t give any description. I don’t really want to go through a book, because that would take even longer for me.

Another thing I should mention is that once I’ve gotten hang of the OOP in C#, it’s just matter of reiterating with different classes. Meaning, once I know how to use a class and such, I can go ahead and do same for some different class and so on…

Thanks guys! I appreciate your help! :slight_smile: The thing is my university started, and I don’t want to give up on C# now, and at the same time I want to balance C# and school. Thanks again! :slight_smile: