A discussion of www.kirupa.com rules

I hope for imput from everyone. I’m pretty ruless at times and at others no one can figure out what rules I’m using, so please let me know how I can make these the best I can. That means you Phil. :slight_smile: I know that sometimes I can be overbearing, and that I come off as pompus. Help keep me in line.

These should be placed in the sign up window for the forum above the “I have read these guidelines” check box. People must be, at least in faith, agreeing that they will submit to these rules before they are allowed to post.

version 1.0 beta
[]This forum is not a democracy, nor is it subject to the constitutional right of free speach. It is a private forum which allows the privilege of membership and the oppertunity to use this discussion board, without prejudice, but not necessarily without bias. i.e. we do not have to let people spread any message which we deem inappropriate to our audience.
]Kirupaforum is set up with a number of different forum. It is expected that you know and adhire to the rules of each before creating a post. In most cases these rules are posted in one of the first posts of the forum with the title “rules”. Elsewise it is a good idea to read any “sticky’d” threads you see in any forum you’re going to post in. The sticky threads relate important information to you the user.
[]This forum is an educational center for people of a wide range of ages and nationalities. We are accessed by schools in the Americas and around the world. Cursing may be filtered out by our server or not, but it is up to you to control the language that you use. We expect you to be on your best behvior. If your best isn’t good enough for us, you will be warned, and eventually banned if the behavior continues.
]Warnings do not have to be given on the following: Blatent disregard for or active attempts to degrade the condition of the forum either through verbal repetroir or malicious programming, What is deemed “blatent disregard” is subject to moderator assessment. You will be banned if we think your purpose is to disrupt the forum in any way.
[]Some rules are metted on a case by case basis. In some discussions more leaway will be given than in others, and Moderators are not all the same. Be smart and read the threads. Get a general feel for the conversation which is occuring before you put in your post. i.e. posting about a cool new effect you’ve made, in the middle of a thread about a technical problem for someone else is inappropriate.
]These Rules are subject to change by the management and it is the signer’s responsibility to keep up to date on the current rules of the forum.
[*]If you feel that you have been banned without proper provocation you must write an email to Kirupa management, explaining your side of the accusation, if you wish to be readmitted. Mistakes do happen, and we are forgiving of multiple infractions if appologies are forthcoming from the insulting party.

Hmm, these sound great.

I will try and think of more to add to it… but right now I can just think of…

Under the “Warnings do not have to be given on the following:” part should also be added…


If any footer/avatar does not meet the guidelines of the forum, any mod has the right to remove it without warning.

ahh… good one.

which also reminds me…

Kirupa: When you put in the hack to let us edit footers/avatars, you never enabled the ability to edit their custom titles… a situation like that might arise in the future.

we should be able to edit their post counts too… mwahhhahahahah

hell, make us all admins! :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k =)

Sounds good to me. All I’d add is “Don’t be a cretin.”

Now kit… we do not discriminate against Greeks, why should we have a problem with Cretens? :slight_smile:

Oooo, how long have you been waiting to use that joke? :stuck_out_tongue:

years lol

I know… pretty sad. :slight_smile:

KIRUPA: i want to edit my post count and things. do funny things with it. haha :slight_smile:

Here is my latest workup of the rules. I think that they are basicaly completed. As always, suggestions are welcome.

~ Kirupaforum rules ~

This forum is not a democracy, nor is it subject to the constitutional right of free speech. It is a private forum that allows the privilege of membership and the opportunity to use this discussion board, without prejudice, but not necessarily without bias. i.e. we do not have to let people spread any message that we deem inappropriate to our audience.

Kirupaforum is set up with a number of different forums. It is expected that you know and adhere to the rules of each before creating a post. In most cases these rules are posted in one of the first posts of the forum with the title “rules”. In addition it is a good idea to read any “sticky’d” threads you see in any forum you’re going to post in. The sticky threads relate important information to you the user, or specific rules, contests, and or games. In any case all the rules in this document apply in all forum.

This forum is an educational center for people of a wide range of ages and nationalities. Schools in the Americas and around the world access us. Cursing / inappropriate language may be filtered out by our server or not, but it is up to you to control the language that you use. We expect you to be on your best behavior. If your best isn’t good enough for us, you will be warned, and eventually banned if the behavior continues. Continued attempts to bypass the profanity filters is a ban-able offense.

Spam is not tolerated at kirupaforum. We do however encourage individuals to share their work with our community. Posting a single link to your site in “site check” is not spam. However, at any time you may be warned against spamming. What is and is not considered spam is ultimately up to the moderators of this forum. In general it consists of continued useless posts that degrade from the current conversation, or which are unwanted and disturbing to the other members, but this is not an absolute definition.

Warnings do not have to be given on the following:

  1. Blatant disregard for or active attempts to degrade the condition of the forum either through verbal repertoire or malicious programming, What is deemed “blatant disregard” is subject to moderator assessment. You will be banned if we think your purpose is to disrupt the forum in any way.
  2. Footers/Avatars - If any footer/avatar does not meet the guidelines of the forum, any mod has the right to remove it without warning. Likewise, a footer, or other personal graphic may be edited out of a post at our descression.
  3. Posting of images that contain genitalia, gruesome, or questionably perverse activities, or socially inflammatory material may be ban-able without warning. Likewise no member may post links that route to any such content.
  4. Posting links to, or information about hacking, cracking, or any other questionable legal activity is strictly forbidden. Likewise links to music or movie downloads, unless those links are provided by the owner of that property’s copyright, is forbidden. We do not tolerate activity which violates copy right laws of any state, or country.
  5. Purposeful attempts to degrade any member of this forum will not be tolerated. We attempt to allow freedom of expression without hindering any single person’s belief structures. People have opinions however, and it should be understood that sometimes conversations will occur which deal with “touchy” subjects. Discretion in one’s posts is advised on such subjects.

Some rules are meted on a case-by-case basis. In some discussions more leeway will be given than in others, and Moderators are not all the same. Be smart and read the threads. Get a general feel for the conversation that is occurring before you put in your post. i.e. posting about a cool new effect you’ve made, in the middle of a thread about a technical problem for someone else is inappropriate.

These Rules are subject to change by the management, without notification. It is each member’s responsibility to keep up to date on the current rules of the forum. Failure to adhere to any of the above rules may result in your expulsion from kirupaforum. Breaches in any law of any province from which a person is posting will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If you feel that you have been banned without proper provocation you must write an email to Kirupa management, explaining your side of the accusation, if you wish to be readmitted. Mistakes do happen, and we are forgiving of multiple infractions if apologies are forthcoming from the insulting party.

I found no obligation in these rules to use the “search” button before asking the same question for the 100th time… :slight_smile:
Add it!
(before posting in any forum, please make sure your question hasn’t been answered already by using the search facility…)

Oh, and also: all members/mods are helping out here on their free time, if you do not get an answer within the hour/day, don’t get impatient, DON’T SHOUT, and don’t cross-post. Read the description of each forum, and then post in the most appropriate one only.

ok let’s try this one

~ Kirupaforum rules ~

This forum is not a democracy, nor is it subject to the constitutional right of free speech. It is a private forum that allows the privilege of membership and the opportunity to use this discussion board, without prejudice, but not necessarily without bias. i.e. we do not have to let people spread any message that we deem inappropriate to our audience.

Kirupaforum is set up with a number of different forums. It is expected that you know and adhere to the rules of each before creating a post. In most cases these rules are posted in one of the first posts of the forum with the title “rules”. In addition it is a good idea to read any “sticky’d” threads you see in any forum you’re going to post in. The sticky threads relate important information to you the user, or specific rules, contests, and or games. In any case all the rules in this document apply in all forum.

This forum is an educational center for people of a wide range of ages and nationalities. Schools in the Americas and around the world access us. Cursing / inappropriate language may be filtered out by our server or not, but it is up to you to control the language that you use. We expect you to be on your best behavior. If your best isn’t good enough for us, you will be warned, and eventually banned if the behavior continues. Continued attempts to bypass the profanity filters is a ban-able offense.

Spam is not tolerated at Kirupaforum. We do however encourage individuals to share their work with our community. Posting a single link to your site in “site check” is not spam. However, at any time you may be warned against spamming. What is and is not considered spam is ultimately up to the moderators of this forum. In general it consists of continued useless posts that degrade from the current conversation, or which are unwanted and disturbing to the other members, but this is not an absolute definition.

Warnings do not have to be given on the following:

  1. Blatant disregard for or active attempts to degrade the condition of the forum either through verbal repertoire or malicious programming, What is deemed “blatant disregard” is subject to moderator assessment. You will be banned if we think your purpose is to disrupt the forum in any way.
  2. Footers/Avatars - If any footer/avatar does not meet the guidelines of the forum, any mod has the right to remove it without warning. Likewise, a footer, or other personal graphic may be edited out of a post at our discretion.
  3. Posting of images that contain genitalia, gruesome, or questionably perverse activities, or socially inflammatory material may be ban-able without warning. Likewise no member may post links that route to any such content.
  4. Posting links to, or information about hacking, cracking, or any other questionable legal activity is strictly forbidden. Likewise links to music or movie downloads, unless those links are provided by the owner of that property’s copyright, is forbidden. We do not tolerate activity that violates copyright laws of any state, or country.
  5. Purposeful attempts to degrade any member of this forum will not be tolerated. We attempt to allow freedom of expression without hindering any single person’s belief structures. People have opinions however, and it should be understood that sometimes conversations will occur which deal with “touchy” subjects. Discretion in one’s posts is advised on such subjects.

Some rules are meted on a case-by-case basis. In some discussions more leeway will be given than in others, and Moderators are not all the same. Be smart and read the threads. Get a general feel for the conversation that is occurring before you put in your post. i.e. posting about a cool new effect you’ve made, in the middle of a thread about a technical problem for someone else is inappropriate.

This forum has been in existence for 2 + years. It is very likely that any question you have has been asked, and answered in the past. The creators of this forum have spent time and hard work creating a search feature (located at the top of each page). Before posting in any forum, please make sure your question hasn’t been answered already by using the search facility. If you have a question as to how to use the search feature, please ask in the “Forum help” section (located at the bottom of the main page). Feel free to revive a thread if you have further questions concerning the subject mater.
We will occasionally test a question against our search engines to see exactly how hard it is to find the answer. If you are obviously ignoring the search feature you may receive a warning for your inactions.

All members / mods at Kirupaforum are helping out in their spare time. If you do not get an answer within the hour/day, don’t get impatient, don’t post in multiple places. Read the description of each forum, and then post in the most appropriate one only. If your question has not been answered, and it has slipped onto the second page you may post a response to “bump” your thread up to the top of the queue. Repeated bumps are frowned upon and may cause you to receive a warning however, so use them sparingly.

There is no telling how many warnings one must receive before they are banned. It is in your best interests to receive as few as possible.

These Rules are subject to change by the management, without notification. It is each member’s responsibility to keep up to date on the current rules of the forum. Failure to adhere to any of the above rules may result in your expulsion from Kirupaforum. Breaches in any law of any province from which a person is posting will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If you feel that you have been warned, or banned without proper provocation you must write an email to Kirupa management, explaining your side of the accusation, if you wish to be readmitted. Mistakes do happen, and we are forgiving of multiple infractions if apologies are forthcoming from the insulting party.

i like “…you may receive a warning for your inactions” :slight_smile:
Good rules. Will they read 'em now…?

i like “…you may receive a warning for your inactions”
Good rules. Will they read 'em now…?
I was wondering if you’d note that. :slight_smile: I thought it was a cute alteration from the norm.

Members are responsible for knowing them. Once a couple of people get banned for ignoring them people will flock to read the list. :slight_smile: Plus I’m hoping that Kirupa can put them on the sign up page for the forum. That way everyone has to read them and agree before they can continue to register with us.

I don’t know… but those are my thoughts on it so far. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the input.

those are good, david =)

I don’t have anything to add at the moment really. :slight_smile:

Yeah - they are really good; lost - I’ll look into the usertitle thing :slight_smile:

thanks… thought I should do some work last night. My own job was dullsville so I had lots of extra time.

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Yeah - they are really good; lost - I’ll look into the usertitle thing :slight_smile: **
KtotheIzzo, I think that’s already been done :wink:

look at the date it was posted.