What to buy, thread #3

I think I’ve started like two other threads similar to this. But this time, it’s more specific.
I decided since I’m working a lot lately and have some extra cash I might wanna pick up a few thigns I want/maybe need. I had always said that I wouldn’t ever, uh, acquire music and then not buy it. So I went to Amazon to see what I could find. I didn’t go over 13 dollars on any item, as I recently decided that is too much for a new cd.
Here is a list of what I have, including the book I’m buying:

If you think you have music tastes similar to mine, let me know what to add, I wanna get it all at once. Also any books that I can add lemme know!
OH or tell me what is bad with my list, IE you own/have heard the cd in question… review it fer me if you like…
thanks :slight_smile:

well that is a good point, although I’m 19 not 16. Maybe you got the number upside down der…

sorry Radio, I’m sure you said you were 16

Well I was sixteen at one time, but waaaay before I found this place and ever met you :stuck_out_tongue: