Flash vs Photoshop

Which one is better flash or photoshop. ie, which one has more features, a better interface and is used more commercially?

for what??

I use flash to design a lot of stuff. T-shirts flyers, websites… The list goes on.
I sometimes use Pshop for the above [except designing flash site.]

They are used for two different things

Flash and Photoshop are used for different things dude. Flash is to make those little animations… Photoshop can’t do that. Photoshop is used to make extremely good looking stuff, which flash can’t do, because of it’s limited drawing capabilities.

I think flash is better for web, and photoshop is better for print, …well…I can’t just lump them into two differnt catagories though…that’s a broad question

yes you can lump them into different catergories.

Flash is for creating vector based, dynamic content.
Photoshop is for creating static images.

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**yes you can lump them into different catergories.

Flash is for creating vector based, dynamic content.
Photoshop is for creating static images. **


Flash - Vector Based content. If you are good enough (like Kitiara) you can design extremely well in there. It is good for logos and such that need to be scaled without distortion. It is also mainly used for animation and site creation. Some actual vector design program that is meant entirely for design are Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or Fireworks.

Photoshop - Raster based content. Use only for design and images created cannot be scaled without distortion.

I stand corrected then :crazy:

I just wish photoshop had the ease of drawing that Flash does… meaning, I wish photoshop was vectorbased… I can’t think of a reason why it shouldn’t be.

it seems to me that Adobe only sees the use of vector-based drawing in printing… which would explain why Illustrator and Acrobat are vector-based. But it makes drawing a hell of a lot easier… I just love specifying the dimensions of a shape…

Maybe I should give fireworks a chance… I’ve never used it.

Fireworks is both Raster and Vector based (according to Rev, I haven’t really used it, but hes a Fireworks feind).

photoshop isnt vector because it’s not ment to be used for vector images. It’s used to enhance and or create images… not drawings. I mean you can draw and such in photoshop but like you said, illustrator is way easier and better for it.

I personally like photoshop more than I do flash but only because I am pretty good with it. If I was better with AS in flash I am sure it would be close.

yeah, like everyones said, flash and photoshop aren’t things to be used in comparison, but together to form really good stuff.

both completly different / cant be compared


ps - illustrator on the other hand is the BEST PIECE OF SOFTWARE - EVER. Its my weapon of choice…

I work with illustrator from time to time… mostly in editing kinks with PDFs… but I dont know… I dont like that whole page based thing…

But I need to use it more… maybe I’ll like it.

I think it all depends on what you want to do.

If I want to do line art, then no question, Flash is the program for me. It does everything I want it to do, quickly and easily. I’m investigating Illustrator as well for vector art, but it’s not as intuitive…

If I’m designing a screenshot though, then I’ll use Photoshop. Stuff like that is better with the filters and all available.

Fireworks is great for animated gifs and optimising any web graphics. I’ll always run images through that if I’m putting them on a website. Plus it can do all the funky pop up menus.

Okay I haven’t used photoshop before but I noticed people doing some of the same things on it as with flash (ie buttons). THanks for the info.

I use flash more but like you say i can’t really compare them. as for photoshop and fireworks i think fireworks is better for web and photoshop better for print.

well you’ve got to get the whole army of software. Combine the power of PS and flash together - and i also have Paint Shop Pro - a handy tool for pixel work… although it’s true all image editing progs tend to imitate PS nowadays…

I’m doing everything in ps, I’m not really fine with drawing in flash, that’s really really a big diff to ps