That and is it possible to make transparent movies, or movies without BGs so the movie beneath will show through? thanks, -ua
I’m really digging the Flash MX 2004 Actionscript Bible–there is also one with a very similar title called Flash MX 2004 Bible so you have to be careful not to pick it up instead, it is more an overview for beginner through intermediate scripting.
The Actionscript Bible is pretty thorough but even so I am on the lookout for another reference or two. Sometimes one author explains a particular concept better than another, you know? But lately most of my work has been with sending and loading data in and out of Flash and displaying it dynamically with components, and the Actionscript Bible helped me a lot to get all that going right.
Good luck!
The AS bible is just that – a ****ing bible. It’s huge, bloated, blah blah blah…but it’s also VERY, VERY informative and chocked full of amazing functions, prototypes, etc.
I would NOT suggest this book for a begginner, but if you’ve been Flash-ing for a year or so (or feel comfortable with it) I would HIGHLY recommend this book.
(the Flash MX 2004 ActionScript Bible and the ActionScript Cookbook are both written by the same author ;))