You’ve got such a dirty mind.
Bargain bucket
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Clip my hedge please mdipi? :bad:
- Soul :s: **
you don’t wanna do that soul! you should see what he did to my bush!
Show me :thumb: Is there not much foliage left?
And you’re getting just as bad!
Or am I just reading too much into this?
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**And you’re getting just as bad!
Or am I just reading too much into this? **
no no, I am getting just as bad
Pic on it’s way Soul
I’m not being bad, I’m talking about garden foliage, what were you thinking Kit??
- Soil :s:
Haha look at my typo /\
And nothing. <b>Innocence</b>
(see, there’s mdipi with his cutters)
Nothing left… just Soul playing with meh branch
Quick change of subject needed here… Lovely weather here, isn’t it? Actually it is… It’s like 25 degrees out and I’m stuck in a bloody office in a monkey suit. I wanna go out!
Hahaha :beam:
And a mighty fine branch it is :bad:
- Soul :s:
/me takes a graceful bow
(well, as long as you don’t snap it… you can pla… /me stops ;))
Boys boys boys… :sure:
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Quick change of subject needed here… Lovely weather here, isn’t it?Actually it is… It’s like 25 degrees out and I’m stuck in a bloody office in a monkey suit. I wanna go out!
indeedy! london is teh scorching! had a major headache being trapped in college yesterday, so I went out to the park…
an art student’s work is never done
Which college? Whereabouts are you?
Questions questions… But I used to live in London for about 6 years (until last year actually) so I know it pretty well… Like to find out where people are.
Art student! Run!!
I was a Computer Science / Dance student. We always used to make fun of the people doing Art.
No offense intended Asphalt.
computer science and dance huh? no comment
i live in enfield (we’ve had this conv already) but I go to Chelsea College of Art & Design <-- are you coming to visit the exhibition?
I’m sure you’ll be able to find a protege in the illustration dept or something;)
Sorry, completely forgot I’d asked you already. :sure: Blonde moment there.
And I know I did probably the weirdest degree in the world ever… Majored in Comp Sci and Programming, with a minor in Contempory Dance.