I’ve been here for about 92347923874093287 years now and I just found out that Nali is Kirupa’s brother?
No way
no. Nali is not Kirupa’s brother…
but the question remains:
Whos your daddy?
Hehe, no Nali and I are not brothers electron. Our families were divided a long long long (4x) time ago when his ancestors decided to stay in Europe and mine decided to swim to a South Asia that was more than likely a floating island a few miles north of Australia
really? so you WERE family? well anyway you guys like live in the same town right? (205!
aww man…thor had me thinking they were brothers…oh well =)
wait, i thought you guys were…what? who started this whole conspiracy anyway? so who exactly is nali anyway?
…the conspiracy originated with one whose first name starts with a P and whose last name ends in a N. In case you are still stumped, the last name rhymes with Playpen. The first name rhymes with Fill.
Pill Payhen?
Yeah, I saw this too. Didn’t do anything about it 'cause it was really beautiful (hinthint :beam: ). Next day, color has returned, but I’m keeping the gray one
Pink is also up now - so is green but green will be modified because I am not too pleased with how it looks. Once everything has been finished and tweaked, I’ll make the link to change styles easier to find. Also, I will also provide source files and a color table for anybody interested in creating new styles for the forum =)
overall i like green, took a bit to get used to it, but now i love it! (exept maybe in the main forums)
how can i change the color of mine. im lost.
user cp|edit options thenits jsut before you avatar
alright, own up, who broke kirupaforum.com last night?
mdipi… are those wirecutters you’re hiding behind your back?
w00t at ‘pink’ btw
these are um…sweats…headge clippers! yeah thats what they are! really small headge clippers!
Clip my hedge please mdipi? :bad:
- Soul :s: