Hey everyone,
A few have asked me for information on how to create new styles for the forums. All you need to do is modify the header and footer colors and I will take care of the body colors, etc. I have included the default blue style for you to mess around with:
Feel free to add background patterns, etc. as long as the file size for either the header or footer doesn’t exceed 15k. Feel free to modify the logo, buttons, etc.
I’ll try to include as many styles you all upload with some deliberation among the moderators so that the selection is more fair.
Please PM me once you have finished your style. I do not check this thread often.
Hehe, no problem I usually have these updates done within a day or so, but as Nali mentioned a few posts above, I’ve been able to make any major changes to the site or forums.
Asphalt, have you considered adding some tiny graphics or something in the colors to make it a little more unique. The past few styles that were simple color changes were rejected because they resembled all the other styles. Use your creativity - you are a design/art/video guy
Thanks Jubba. You should tell the other mods that. Flex your mod muscles and soon I will rule the world…err… have my own style… forget the rule the world thing… it was a joke… I have no plans to rule the world… did I say that… sometimes it’s hard to convey what you’re really thinking online… you must have misunderstood… :x