What's wrong with this script?


I can’t figure out why this won’t work. I’m using Flash MX 2004.

[COLOR=navy]term = “sodapop”;

function testEquality() {
answer = String(solveGuess.text).toUpperCase();[/COLOR] [COLOR=slategray]//solveGuess.text is an input field, I typed sodapop into it[/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]puzzle = term.toUpperCase();[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy]trace(answer);[/COLOR] [COLOR=slategray]//you get SODAPOP[/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy]trace(puzzle);[/COLOR] [COLOR=slategray]// you get SODAPOP[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy]if (answer == puzzle)

} else {
trace(“not working”);[/COLOR] [COLOR=slategray]//this is the trace I get but doesn’t answer equal puzzle?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy] }[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy]btn_Check.onRelease = function() {

Where am I going wrong?
Thanks a lot!