Whats your Fav. TV show

Mine used to be Freakylinks, but i don’t know what happened to it, now i like Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI, (Anything about war on History)


Malcolm, Simpsons, and SNL (celebrity jeopardy :))

Simpsons, Family Guy and That 70’s Show

Oh yah, and that new one, Fast Lane

amazing race 3!

csi is a good show too…

aside from that, i dont have enough time to like others!! :slight_smile:

no pj, dont think i have… the only shows that are good enough to watch here are the ones in AXN and Star Channel… but all that’s on cable… if people have cable… manila is still so delayed when it comes to stuff such as entertainment! :slight_smile:

confession time? I like VIP too… I find it funny… :o

I’m really into Smallville, and Startrek “Enterprise”. right now.

other than that, I’m trying to see every episode of Babylon 5.

Past favorites
“brimstone” - you like scifi?? You should see this series.
“Twin Peaks”
“American Gothic”
“Sabrina the teenaged witch”
“Simpsons” - obviously… :slight_smile:
“Highlander, the series”

hmmm… can’t think of any other “favorites” right now… but those are the cream of the crop in my opinion.

American Gothic was great. The story revolved around this boy named Caleb, and his relationship with his dead sister. (who showed up as a ghost). The viewer soon discovers that the bad ass sherif who seems to own the whole town is the boys father… but this is no ordinary sherif… no he has supernatural powers, is evil to the extreme, and is eluded to throughout the whole show as being satan.

Brimstone. Harry Stone is a police detective. 20 years on the force. One day his wife is raped, and beaten. He goes out on a vigilante spree killing those responsible in cold blood. One month later he is shot and killed in a routine police situation. Stone finds himself in hell. Only his desire to return to his wife seems to allow him any solace from his situation. The devil comes to him (played by the guy who plays Luthor sr in Smallville) and tells him a story. 113 of hells most hanous prisoners have escaped. The devil tells him, ‘no one escapes the devil’. You were a relatively good man in life with only one scar on your soul. I’m willing to give you a second life to live… IF you go up there and send back all 113 escapies. The Devil was really well done… full of sarcastic wit and flowery lies. By the end of the show you really don’t know if the Devil really wants Stone to succeed or not.

Twin Peaks - show from the early 80’s got canned in it’s second season. (it really was done anyway)
Opening scene… the sherif and his deputy are down by the shore of a lake. Large logging plant in the background. “She’s rapped in plastic” he says, and the camera pans down to the still blue form of Laura Palmer taped up in a plastic tarp. The story details the adventures of FBI agent Dale Cooper as he tries to solve the bizzare murder of the local highschool’s prom queen. What he finds as he digs deeper into the case is indescribable… and will leave you feeling like your first watching of the shinning with Nicholson.

“Through the mysts of futures past
the magician longs to see
one cries out between two worlds
fire… . walk… with me. …”


of all time:
Red Dwarf

still in production:
Malcom in the Middle

Fav Sci-Fi (excluding Red Dwarf):
Babylon 5

Grew up in the '70s, don’t need to watch a show dedicated to them… I was really glad to see that decade go away…

other than that, Science Channel, Discovery Channel, PBS…


well, Simpsons, Friends, BBC eXclusive,…

I guess I love the X Files, Family Guy, Red Dwarf, Futurama… I don’t like all the soaps and reality TV shows that the BBC / ITV are inflicting on us at the moment. I’m hoping the novelty will wear off soon.

Otherwise, I’m a Sky Sports fanatic. All that lovely football -<i>not</i> soccer, please note, it’s football.

**Of all times: **
Seinfeld (the only american comediant that I find really funny alive)

Still in Production comedy:
The 70´s show (they´re not comediants)

Still in Production series:

Still in Production fiction:


btw… thanks to all of you fellow Smallville viewers. I rarely if ever get to watch something cool for more than one season. It’s due to all the fans out there tuning in every week. keep it up… Rosenbaum will get an emmy if I have anything to say about it. :slight_smile:

OMG DAVID! I used to love watching American Gothic! It didn’t last very long though :frowning: :*( At least here it didn’t, I think they only played one season where I am.

I can’t state what my favorite TV show is because there are SOOO many, some of the tops though…

Family Guy
That 70s Show

if you liked american Gothic, and or Xfiles you should look hard for both Twin Peaks and Brimstone. Twin Peaks is on sale in a box set for 80 bucks or so. (which doesn’t include the pilot or the 2 hour post series finisher movie “fire walk with me”) Brimstone is replayed once in a while on SciFi channel.

I don’t like X-Files all that much.

Brimstone… I have seen on the SciFi channel, but never watched too much.

How 'bout that…

Phil likes the x files…


j/k hazelnut…
