What's your favorite band?

lol, Edwin, I will say, I’ve never been disapointed with anything I’ve listened to, which you suggested. I’ll check em out.

DL Nutch, Hunger strike, or the dapper bandits…or IM me and i’ll send to you. breathtaking songs.

Gotta love Edwins taste in music. I do have to admit that while I can’t understand the lyrics, X-japan has a really good sound to it. My roommate last year was Japanese, and he used to listen to only Japanese bands. Drove me nuts, but I liked the sound…good stuff.

man this thread took off…

wtf Chevelle is so good! omg like a SOAD kinda thing i love them!

the best band (imo) has got to be nirvana or foo fighters. dave grohl is so talented and he makes great music. he also helps other bands out by playing with them (eg. queens of the stone age). kurt cobain is the just a magical composer. his songs had meaning, and he based most of it on his own life’s experiences. he didn’t care about the popularity he and his band would get, he cared about making music. this is what drove him to suicide. that and a recurring stomach problem that led to drugs to ease the pain.

I do agree, I love Nirvana and Foo Fighters…

mdipi: I am glad I could spread their music around and help them get known :slight_smile:

Lost: Chevelle is really good. I’m suprised that I’ve never heard of them.

Rev: I looked at some Iguana’s music. They have a really good sound.

Thor: As far as all time bands, Nirvana was one of the most influential inspirational bands. Kurt Cobain had unbelieveable talent when it came to making music, as did Dave Grohl. I totally agree with you.

Dave: Not really into Bjork, but never really gave her a chance. I’m checking it out right now. I do like Jethro Tull, I believe there is a song called Velvet Green? Its the only song I can remember from ‘back in the day’…

nirvana is just classic. no doubt one of the best bands of all time.

My favorite band right now has got to be System of a Down. I’m a little scared now that they have been picked up by the main stream ( i say picked up and not gone becasue they have been true to there sound and haven’t changed). I’m always a little scared when a good band is picked up by the mainstream. The last thing I want is another limp bizket inccedent(bunch of sell outs). I really liked it 4 years ago when hardly anybody new about SOAD. It was such a new sound, something nobody had really heard before. All of there songs are so unique to listen too.

Greats band of all time has got to be Nirvana. We are talking about a band that saved music from the darkness of the 80’s. I don’t think I even listend to music untill I heard them. Nevermind was the first CD I ever bought.

For Rap I would have to say Snoop Dogg takes it. He has to be the greatest rapper of all time. The best thing is he is coming to my city in december.

love the new footer rev.:stuck_out_tongue:


thanks Mike:

It’s my first attempt at MX AS…


Good job rev… hrmmm, maybe I should add some masks experiments to my site :-\ :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Thanks lostinbeta… :stuck_out_tongue:

I know I just started with MX, but it does seem easier than F5 AS… simpler kindof… =)


Like the topic says, whats YOUR favorite band?
Let us/me/whoever cares know! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh, mines Cradle of Filth, if your just wondering :evil:

you still haven’t noticed my Oblique Radio Commercial I did for you. Perhaps we can get RayDred to host this Radio ad as well.

Link me up with that :stuck_out_tongue: No I didnt see it, but now I want to! :o

Oblique :evil:

I have to choose Chevelle :slight_smile:

BTW: http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8387&highlight=favorite+bands

There was a thread like this before if anyone is interested :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :beam:

lol Interesting… and thanks lost, didnt see that “Favorite Band” thread :x But I suppose for all us new comers, we can make it again :P:P:P

Oblique :evil:

Of course, that is why I said for anyone interested :slight_smile:

I would choose the Bee Gees and U2 =)

Kirupa :rambo: