What's your sn mean?

yep :P, it’s useless posts, but it’s my own userless posts :trout:

Yea i just assume anyone with a 420 is a blunt head :lol:

My name doesnt mean anything, i randomly thought it up as a handle for quake 2 like five years ago. I try to convince people that “moncrey weasels” are weasels with this disease that makes them flip out and attack people, and that they live in mexico. Ive convinced a few people of this, hehe.

My name means that I’m flipping the sh*t on the script, as a friend of mine put it. He’s the one that inventioned my nickname…
My previous nickname (kalliban) was from a swedish cartoon (which was based on a shakespeare play called… uhm… well, that’s my litterature knowledge in a nutshell :stuck_out_tongue: )

A physical description, similar in nature to carrot top but not nearly as stupid. Yes, I did steal it from the batteries.

It’s that simple.

guess what my sn sounds like =)

a friend was helping me with ss homework. MT.some mountain i can’t remember.

He didn’t put period, i read it as MT. And then came empty.soul. :smiley:

looks at his avatar
shrek freak… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, i like 1.6 because of the graphics and all. i have a 256mb video card. almost all of my friends play it and there are a ton of good servers out there, + i host a 1.6 server :stuck_out_tongue: [but i cant get my g@y amx to work]. Im probably going to stay with 1.6 because cstrike czero is very expensive [like 60 bux at best buy o.o]

  • Matt

Fiery_rockstar… I have no idea where it really came from… one day at band practise I was sitting smoking a J and playing with my lighter… I was obsessed with fire, had a Jackson Dinky with flames going up it, new rocks with flames, grindking flames trucks… just loved the look of it and playing with it… then the other guitarist goes “well check out the fiery rockstar over there” n somehow it became my screen name for everything shrugs

hm… whaddaya think it means? :stuck_out_tongue:

My sn comes from a popular song by the band Queen. I picked it because of its uncanny similarity to the name of my principle web site building utility, Flash MX Pro 2004. Okay it’s not that similar. And no my name’s not Gordon. It’s Paddy.

that’s what I thought of everytime I read it

Everytime you read my screen name you thought my name was Paddy? Or Gordon?

Do you bake, FG?..I’d like to have some Paddy Cakes :smiley:

You’re dead!
BTW: Welcome to Kirupa forums Ryan H.

Mines keljnr, Coz my firstnames Kelvin…but so is my dads…,
so its short for kelvin junior.

simple really

Mine has a huge story.
I started out as cats91.
I became a member of an online game.
Inactivity caused my account to be frozen.
I had to get a new SN as well.
I chose Topcat.
Then inactivity again.
Since I have a short term memory problem (clinically unproven), I wanted my name simple, so I added two letters after it.
I’ve been using this SN ever since.

ryan_h was me at my friends house when he was logged in and I didn’t feel like logging him out ;), I always think of the queen song “flash gordon”… but he is surfing the forums a bit now and MAYBE learning something

Redrum, the shining… yeah… Used to be my name in my days of hardcore fragging (Unreal everything, Quake everything, HL everything)

87 = year this 17 year old kid was born. 2087. I’m from the future.

idoik means nothing what so ever. just thot it sounded cool when i was makeing my font company the company turned out to be a nothing only made 2 fonts and just put a comeing soon page. none of my nick names have a meaning just what i use. but they do come uniq only to me. search google for wicked6th
u well find around more then 4,000 things. all them have something to do with me. havemt tried idoik yet.


i’ve got a team of scientists and linguistics scholars working on it…

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