standing behind sadam husane with a nife…
back in the womb…
playboy mansion, OMG i will need tons of viagra any one know a cheap dealer??? rotflmao
lmao…it’s sad that u need viagra…but if u insist that u need it…go ahead…just make sure it doesn’t get stuck in ur neck and u’ll hav a stiff neck for a week. now as for me…i’d get an erection coming 500yrds of the mansion…
ya well i dont need viagra but i will need it i mean do you know how many chicks are in there??? going in there without viagra is like going to war without a gun are you NUTS??? rotflmao
lol…true…i’d say taht…i’d start usin after 8 chicks…
**** 8 chicks jeezuz you must be 15 j/k, cause thats when you have as much energy im 25 and 3 is like the pushin it rotflmao
lmao…8…yea…3…maybe…depending on my mood…depends on if they’re hot…as hell
i hear ya but still 8 man, hell i wanna meet you if thats true and dude you gotta tell me whats your secret, and you better not say tis diet and exercise or ill kill you rotflmao
Dude, being in PB mansion is the last place I want to be…
What arent there like 20 hot chicks? Do I want to disapoint 20 Hotchicks? Dude screw that! I rather be close to please one that disapoint 20! When there is 2 , I already get nervous… :crazy:
do you think the playboy mansion owner pleases them all??? hell i could care less if i dissapoint them all, i can picture it now ill put a sticker on my car: i went to pb mansion and dissapointed everyone rotflmao
Good point, still… I will feel… I dunno, not good. I would be the biggest disappointment of women since… the last guy in there…!:beam:
who cares i will let them rape me in any given way (even tho it sounds gay) i really would, then again thats just me rotflmao
Right now, I’d settle for anywhere that wasn’t work. I’ve got a killer day ahead of me, I can tell…
I think right now I’d like to be back sunning myself in Albufeira in the Algarve. Lots of good memories of that place. :beam:
I’m sure there are Kit :bad:
- Soul :s:
I’m sure there are Kit :bad:
- Soul :s:
How did I do a double post!? :-\
- Soul :s:
You must have a talent.
It was a great holiday though. Non-stop sun, huge jellyfish on the beaches (we took pictures), lots of drinks and food…
We ate out every night, trying a different restaurant each time. One night we were wandering along looking at menus, when this guy comes out of the restaurant and starts talking to us in Portugese. None of us could speak it and we eventually got through to him we were English. So he asked us where were staying and all sorts of stuff, before telling us how great his restaurant is. We look round and see there’s like, 1 customer in there. :sure:
He asks us if we like fish. We all say no. He tells us to stay there, and while we’re all looking confused at each other, he goes off and comes back with a huge plate of… fish. Several minutes pass with us saying we all hate fish and him telling us how fresh this fish is (it isn’t, it smells awful). He puts that plate down and says he’ll show us some more.
We leg it.
True story.
I’ll get me coat.
back to grimdeath…it’s no secret…just don’t spend 4hrs on one…30min max for each
*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**In australia… Sydney… (hawaii aint bad though) **
RussianBeer and Kajinku , weather sucks in Sydney right now, all cold and raining. Still a great place to be :beam: , If i had a choice i would visit Greece, go to a island or two, visit family and just chill with some beautiful european women. “Paradise”