Back in the islands!

I am back from Sydney for whoever gives!

I loved sydney, its my favorite city, and one day might move there! Whoever lives there, you guys are friggin lucky!

Long live Australia!
Sydney, I miss it so… :*(

my home town :love:

although I don’t live there at the moment, what’d you get up to while you were here russianbeer?

I toured everywhere in Sydney,
did the sights, meusems and so on. Meet the most nicest and intresting people. I mean serously you guys have some really cool people. Lot of drinking, to much. Australians drink alot… sheesh… Lot of parting, australians celebrate just about anything… and lots of heart break and hear mending… it was unbeleivable… !!!
:love: :love: :love:

coolness, sounds like you had quite a kick arse time, good to hear :thumb:

makes me want to be AustralianBeer

lol change it!! you know you want to :wink:

join us… moans like a zombie

Dont tempt me!!! :!:

hehe, hey i bet Hawaii id pretty cool to eh?

Hawaii is awsome… but I got to admit… I like Sydney more…!