Where do you wish you were right now?

<img src=“http://images.earthcam.com/ec_metros/ourcams/lindys.jpg” width=“320” height=“240”>

I wish I was in NYC (above)… I wanna go back… booo. (its a webcam, refresh to see new picture… :D)

i love new york!! so much fun!!

yea… i know :smiley:

but it wasnt THIS busy when I went. Is this the side that TRL is on?

i don’t know, times square is a living hell hole. i didn’t like it that much. i loved all the other parts of nyc though.

i wish i am in florida…right about…now

i wish i was canoeing right outside of huntsville alabama…but im stuck in florida lol.

stuck in florida?..screw u!..lol…it’s freezing up here in Ny

comedy “iraq” option

Inside a bottle of Jack daniels

back home… in United Arab Emirates… :slight_smile:

on any hot beach

though i too would love to go to new york

In australia… Sydney… (hawaii aint bad though)

Right now? Australia, USA (NY looks cool), Canada… and Hong Kong, but not really right now, 'cause of the SARS thing and all.

4 me it’d be back in goa or the maldives…

but being here in kirupaville is a cool enough substitute…

4 the time being anyway…


i wonder what would happen if i clicked my heels 3 times and said there’s no place like…

Right where I am right now - home :wink:

in a cinema watching either episode iii or matrix reloaded

For me I wish to be in the pub . . . . Hang on thats where I just got kicked out of . . . well there you go, I want to be in a pub with no closing time :smiley: . . . could be possible soon !! with some new laws being brought into action ? anyone got any info (uk pubs, closing times)

disneyland with my gf

in boston

Some where tropicle, or some place that hasnt been discovered yet. :slight_smile: