Where is the hardware thread?

im curious, cant find a thread , it was about ‘what people had in there computer’ cpu and all that. was it deleted?

You didn’t look hard enough…here it is. =)


lol, thanx egeek!! howd you find that so quick?

Believe it or not, this forum has this really cool feature that no one knows about, it’s called the “search” button…amazing huh??? :geek:

can i ask you a question, about your door fla? , the one with the transitions. should i do it here , or take it in the mx thread?

edit:: yeah i know the search feature, though didnt know what the topic name was. i was looking for hardware all that time!!

Oh I just search for “system” and it showed up. About the door fla, go ahead and make a thread in the MX section, chances are it would get moved there anyways if we talk about it here.