Where to get free photos?

Where can I get photos for free, without having to worry about some moron emailing me saying that I owe him money for using his scenery (Corporate America lets this happen)? Just stock photos: buildings, nature, animals, humans. I want to experiment with photo manipulation, but I need some photos first…can anyone help?

YEAH I want some too!
I’ve looked all over the net for them… found none!

http://stock.d2.hu/ - for your viewing/downloading/using pleasure! :slight_smile:

Exactly what I needed, thank you!

pretty good!
most of 'em are useless but some r pretty good!
Congratulations lostinbeta
5000 posts!
a few posts left but I’m gonna miss it anyway cuz it’s over bedtime and I have school tomorrow so…

bedtime, it’s 3:30 p.m. here…what country do you live in?

ROFL! You think my bedtime is 3.30 pm? LOL :stuck_out_tongue:
it’s 0.35 AM here! :stuck_out_tongue:
… and the country is Estonia …

I was gonna say, “■■■■, you got some strict ass parents!”

ROFLMAO :stuck_out_tongue:

well, I’m off to bed.
no more posts for me toda… wait a minute… it’s already tomorrow… :-
so… no more posts for about 15-16 hours…

Well I was looking for a sunset and found one in a sample pictures folder in ‘My Documents’ folder on XP. This is what I got with 20 minutes of being bored at work:



wtf? omg thats good! what did you use? just brushes and dodges and junk? either way its AWSOME! :P. good job as usuall!

nvm i see a lot of diff filters. but still very good!

I used like two filters, no brushes, a lot of messing with layers, colors, and reflections. Sorry, but again it’s only 20 minutes of work, so I really don’t care…just felt like sharing!

That is incredible Dan…

yorkshirepuddin: Thanks for that link! I finally found where I got my pics for “Sunflower Escapades” (in the D&D section or on my site if you want to see). I have been looking allover for the site where I got them, but they have been on my comp for quite some time.

smacks dan around a bit with a large trout

yip yip yip good topic and the new Princess saves the day…

*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**and the new Princess saves the day… **

… twas my pleasure …

Note: we got find me a princess smilie! :beam:

Um…dan, what filter gave you those beams of light? The really look good.

Yes the streaks of light how do u do that?

awww maan!
so freakin’ cool!
doesn’t look like a sunset anymore… it looks cooler!