Yeah, I miss my daily dose of phils phlegmatic philosophy as well…
Yeah, I miss my daily dose of phils phlegmatic philosophy as well…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I have never been involved with a more generous and fair minded group in all my years of business.
Someone obviously forgot about Dan.
[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]just messing with you dan. don’t ban me[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
here is something i whipped up in 2.1 seconds. what can you do with a crappy mouse. lol:whistle: :phil:
Just spoke with Phil, gave him the scoop…
he sends :love: to RussianBeer …
and hugs and kisses to everyone else…
Right on! Let him know the Kommunity needs him! And the
Ordered thread is pretty dry without his bad philosphy! I am trying to keep it up myself but its kinda hard!
“I’l send my SOS to the Phil”
Tell him to come back soon so we can fight again on the KLF (KLP)
Kirupa Liberation Front (phront)
[SIZE=1]Psst nheet, thank you from diverting that angry mob. I appreciate it.[/SIZE]
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