
where’s Philbo been today? I tune in here most days at work to find him tearin’ it up here in the random forum but today - he has gone A.W.O.L.

Guess he has his “real life” to think about too… bah!


Phil was gone? :o

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Phil was gone? :o **


Congrats man!!

what’s the new job (if you dont mind me asking that is)

Great to hear it!

holds up bottle of CANADIAN beer (you know, moonshine to you guys in the states)


phil, how much will you be away?? its not the same without you!! :frowning: who will i slap once your not here :trout:

[SIZE=4]Behave![/SIZE] </b>

Or else my female avitars will come back, invading your vision… :cowboy:


It’s hard to be Omnipotent, and not be everywhere at once…


go forth and make $$ Unca Philbo… one of us has to…



Crazies I tlel you


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**It’s hard to be Omnipotent, and not be everywhere at once…


go forth and make $$ Unca Philbo… one of us has to…

Rev **

can one of you send some of that this way please? for every 64 cents you send to Canada to me, i get $1!!! what a great deal! ur helping out a good cause, think of how well you will sleep knowing you helped a needy person out:sleep:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
down boy, stop that, STOP THAT NOW~! :o
pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

i see you made a new ‘Friend’, Phil:P

Happy spamming… o i mean happy posting=)

phil if you dont’ mind me asking…what do you do?? wha is your new job, you don’t have to aswer if you don’t want to :slight_smile:

not quite…rumour has it you were a carpenter as a boy of 12 years and went onto become bitter because your capentry skills reeked…can you deny or verify this rumour? :q:

so its true…[SIZE=1]rev was right…erm…ignore the last comment[/SIZE]

another rumour pegs you as a barbaric manBeast, it is said you hunt for human skin at night like a vampire lusts for blood, there have been Phil sightings all over the world from Brazil (hehe) , Texas, Canada, Britain, and Chicago! the victems have had their skins removed and the mark WDIT can be clearly seen on their backs, it is a grusome sight to behold…will you admit to this rumour 2 or have you an explanation? :x if you wish to speak to your lawyer you may do so now, anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in the court of Kirupa

mak, phil…

…[SIZE=7]you´re [COLOR=red][FONT=courier new]c[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=green][FONT=century gothic]r[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=blue][FONT=times new roman]a[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink][FONT=arial]z[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=teal][FONT=courier new]y[/FONT][/COLOR]![/SIZE]
:crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy: ~ :crazy:

[SIZE=4]AM NOT[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]…dunno about Phil tho… [/SIZE] :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: