Where's Phil?

Where’s philbo the lovable dictator… I knew he would be absent for some time, or is he gone, gone… ?

I already miss him spouting bad philosophy on the forums like a monkey on acid!

His pointless threads!

His uncotrable urge to Dominate the world, and have “Everybody love each other day!” Where if you dont love anyone, you get shot! (naturaly of corse :sure: )

Ahh … good times good times…


he moved, and from what i heared, he doesnt have an internet connection yet. :frowning:

that would be here: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=221200

yep, he’s coming back, don’t fret :slight_smile:

I highly doubt he’ll be able to stay away for too long :stuck_out_tongue:

I just spoke to Phil by phone over the weekend…

He will still be out of connection for a week or so at least…

He says Hi, and misses everyone here as well…


Who’s phil?

Blasphemy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Phil is our resident World Dictator (in training). :slight_smile: If you haven’t met him yet, you will eventually. He’s just temporarily without Net access. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by [m] *
**Who’s phil? **

its a witch! lets drown him! or hang him!

Hery Hery! there will be a hanging in the town square today at 6 o’clock, refreshments will not be provided.:wink:

Wow. He really brainwashed you guys.

shhhhh… he might hear us!

believe me, he does hear you…



i can hear you.


What are you doing man?

56 posts per day, and all of them nonsense?

I mean come on, read a book, study Flash tutorials, go outside, heck it’s summer after all…

Just stop posting just to see your post count go up, or else your posting privelidges may not remain as they are.


why would you ban him for posting a bunch of random stuff?

Posting random stuff isn’t wrong, but posting one or two word responses in every thread in Random just for the heck of it is something else :slight_smile:


I didn’t say I would ban him.

I just said stop posting nonsense in every thread, just to see your post count go up.

same goes for everyone else. This has been a problem in the past.

advice: don’t get in between a mod and someone else. let people deal with their own issues, you won’t get caught in the crossfire.

nheet is posting 56 posts/day, clogging up threads with nonsense. What if everyone did that. How would you like to wade through 100 spam messages just to try and find an interesting one?

Let the mods do their job, and all will remain fun.


advice: don’t get in between a mod and someone else. let people deal with their own issues, you won’t get caught in the crossfire.

sorry :slight_smile:

I PM’ed him a few minutes ago, and everything should be fine =)

no worries.

It is that this kind of spamming got out of hand a while back, and there is always someone wanting to “back up” their friend, without really knowing the whole story. The mods here are extremely fair, and have the concerns of the members foremost on thier minds. I have never been involved with a more generous and fair minded group in all my years of business.

therefore, I can tend to get a bit touchy when questioned on my tactics.
