Which one - PHP or Html?


Which one do you feel comfortable in using, PHP or Html?


They are completely two different things, html is a client side mark up, while php is a server side programing language.

The most common use for php is to out put html code, although it can do many different things.

I could be wrong and you may have limitless knowledge about PHP and HTML but it sounds like you are comparing apples to oranges and you need to do some research before you ask a question that doesn’t make any sense!

In my opinion Php is far good that html. this can more function is there to add the source code.

Mate, Html is a mark up language. U use it to just make ur site look like… well a site… (the outer layer)
php is a “programming” language. (the “” is couse some say it’s not realy a programming language). U use Php so your site works server side. Like when you use a datebase or somthing in that fasion. (so php is the layer under the html). You can use the two togetter, but you dont use the two languages in the same way.

U should read up on some tutorials mate, so you will understand what i’m saying.

Have fun and good luck in making cool sites!

I’d suggest you make your website with nothing but PHP. Don’t use any HTML at all…

Hope that helps…

In fact, don’t even use code, just stick an empty page up and you’ll get MILLIONS of hits per day!

Both are compulsory to create a web page.we can’t compare the php and html. with out using php and html we cann’t create dynamic pages.

dear u need to learn both HTML and PHP. if u want to do web programming. firstly u learn HTML after then u learn PHP.