Which religion do you believe in?

No, we’re just very spiritual when we crank one out.

The mountain-dwelling Nepals Order of Chronic Masturbators.

It’s like Catholicism, except with more hedonism.

may we assume you pray alone most of the time?

Hahaha, that reminds me of an article I read:

atheist here (which isn’t a religion)

I’m glad you’re atheist, but are you trying to say some strong religious stuff in your footer? I don’t know what other people will think about it.

any Ju/wasi girls here?

I strongly doubt it. :stuck_out_tongue:

You could just PM all 3 girls and ask… :stuck_out_tongue:

wHahaa… That’s so true… and sad… :stuck_out_tongue:

“More and more people each year are leaving organized religion, and getting back to God…” - Anonymous

I don’t know if that;s a bad thing or a good thing…

I’m more of an Agnostic with Christian values… (lol! i’ll explain). I’m pretty sure that there is something out there. Atheists don’t have the scientific edge like most think. In fact, atheists need just as much faith to not believe in anything than to believe in something. Even Einstein said “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible”. Einstein believed in a creator. Not a christian one, but there is no other reason that such order exists here. Personally, I tend to side with the moral and, for the most part, the physical events in the Bible. I do think that Christianity has got some problems though. Christianity isn’t even a religion at it’s core. Its a personal and private relationship with God. No one person has any authority to condem anyone in the church. But this happens way too much. Christianity is the act of imitating Jesus. Live as he lived. It’s not about “doing enough”. It’s about “doing” regardless if you fail or not. Whether you cheat on a test or murder 500 people, you don’t have a gauge. There are no points for God. Even perfect Christians mess up. It’s just about intention.

That being said, I’m not sure if the christian God is the actual “God”. Rather, I tend to take Jesus as someone who is worthy of being emulated, even if he wasn’t “God”. He was completely selfless, forgiving, and compassionate. He knew he was going to be killed, but did it anyway, because he thought he could save peoples souls. He also had 12 disciples who witnessed his death, and apparent “ressurection”, and all but one who died a martyrs death. None of them ever renounced him. That is pretty hardcore.

He also had 12 disciples who witnessed his death, and apparent “ressurection”, and all but one who died a martyrs death. None of them ever renounced him. That is pretty hardcore.

So basically, are you saying that Jesus was the ultimate cult leader!?! :smirk: j/k :trout:

Christian here, although IMO (like disco-stu said) i wouldn’t consider it a religion. It’s a relationship, a friendship. not a list of rules and Do and Do-Not’s. I mean, sure there are things that a Christian probably should or shouldn’t do, but it isn’t whether you do these things that has anything to do with being a christian. it is personal, an ongoing, ever growing relationship with Jesus, our father, creator and friend. and if you truely strive to be a Christian, to live like Christ did and love people, you will automatically start to steer clear of things that you shouldn’t be into.

I attend a “community church”, with a mennonite base, but i am not mennonite and don’t consider myself a protestant. I attend for fellowship and a place to learn, but i am a Christian. I have a relationship with Jesus, which is what Christianity really is all about. Nobody’s perfect. everyone screws up. it’s a fact of life, Christians included. it’s your intention that counts.

just my $0.02.

Majeye: You could say that, but cult’s usually are in it for something. I’d have a hard time dying for some dude who I knew was probobly a crock. They all claimed to have seen him raise from the dead. And these guys weren’t welcomed to cities. You got your *** handed to you if you mentioned you were a “christian” in public. I just don’t understand how every single one died for this guy named Jesus if they knew he was full of it. If I didn’t believe in what I was saying, I sure as hell wouldn’t live a peasants life, or want to get whipped and executed. And he was given the choice to tell everyone that he wasn’t the son of God. That would have been easy. And then the disciples witnessed his ressurection, and all go on to dedicate the rest of their lives to this guy. I’d need some pretty hard-core evidence.


Cant remeber his religion but my friends believes in Arura Mazda.

2 Scientologists??!?!?! I’d reccomend going to www.xenu.com
Scientology is a CROCK. I’m sorry, and I don’t mean to offend anyone, but it is. L Ron Hubbard is the biggest scam artist ever. If anything, check out Xenu.com and atleast read the manuscripts you’d normally have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for. It’s hosted in the Netherlands because scientology copyrights all their works, and charges for them. And the Netherlands is the only country that has called them a dangerous cult. So they can’t burn down the buildings like the last few servers xenu had…

Muslim (Suni) :hugegrin:

Why isn’t Greek Mythology on that list? I’m a firm believer in the Gods of Olympus!

Don’t hate