Which shopping cart ? (help please..)

Hey guys ,

Hope I’m not posting this in the wrong section but here goes…

Im in a dilema of choosing the ideal shopping cart system for my client. Soo far I’ve check most of the cart… both paid and free and narrow down the list to…

I’ve also search on most forums but didnt get much reviews… Read some at hotscripts.com but i’m unsure whether is it reliable or not…




I can’t really decide which to go for, I’m lovin the layout of Cs-Cart. But I’m not much of a php guy and I can’t really differ 3 carts apart.

Hope you guys could point me to the right direction.

Best regards

i have used x-cart for serveral clients. They have good suport with a nice community board for help.

Ya ppl have complained cuz coade could be better but its a start.

IF ya need help setting it up let me know

oscommerce is a good option as well. What do you intend to sell? Digital Goods for download?

My client will be selling assorted products such as computer hardwares, t-shirts, woman products, very assorted.

There’s not much request from the client. But he is from Singapore…

I’m wondering what type of paymend methods should I integrate into the cart.

I’m really going for cs-cart, it looks pretty professional… what do you guys think bout it?

Your reply is very much appreciated…