Getting started on a cart

i have a client who wants an shopping cart site and wants to use for hosting (supports php, mysql, asp, perl, and cgi-bin). lunarpages offers agora and interchange shopping carts, but they don’t look easy to to design with.

i don’t expect to make a cart, so what kind of canned cart should i use? if anyone has any specific cart software in mind, feel free to suggest it.

i’ve read through countless posts on the topic, but i’m just a little confused about what would best meet my specific needs.



my client already has a merchant account, so i’m hoping to use that rather than create a new one with paypal. tell me if i’m not understanding exactly what paypal is.

anyone have any other ideas? - not the greatest but it may be what your lookin for.

osCommerce, and XTCommerce are 2 free ones that support several different pay options including merchant transactions.

thanks for the replies, i’ll look into those options. software price isn’t really an issue, so if anyone’s used anything that’s fairly expensive, but is good, suggest that too.