Whisper Tag

It’d be awesome if we had a tag like this:

[whisper]la, la, la![/whisper]

And make it formatted like:

[noparse][size=1][color=gray](la, la, la)[/color][/size][/noparse]

So, it’ll look like this:

[size=1][color=gray](la, la, la)[/color][/size]

Thanks. :slight_smile:


[whisper]It’s a habbit[/whisper] :stare:

[whisper]lol I love how pointless this thread is getting! :P[/whisper]

[whisper]Don’t tell any of the moderators.[/whisper]

[whisper]who checks in test anyway[/whisper]

[whisper]This is actually Forum Guidelines - so it does get checked :P[/whisper]

[whisper]I was considering suggesting having it moved when it was stated that it was off-topic. That sentence was overly complicated…[/whisper]

[ot]If you move a topic out of a forum that counts post count into the Test forum which does not, does your post count get reduced?[/ot]

ooooo good question- test it

Lets not :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually… I think it would not update until you reindexed post counts. That’s why I have such a high post count… much of it’s before Random didn’t count. I think.

Random used to count? :!: I’d be at a million lol

No you wouldn’t.

[whisper]Once my post count was greater than 1,000,000, thanks to Mike. 28 put it back to 0, though. Then Mike corrected it.[/whisper]

[whisper]That was a long time ago.[/whisper]

[whisper] Way before I was born in this forum, but dont tell anyone :wink: [/whisper]


[whisper]squirrels will take over the earth[/whisper]

[whisper]Mice already have. In fact, they were the ones who paid for it.[/whisper]

[whisper]ok, now this thread has completely gone mad…[/whisper]
i remembered that time, nokrev:) i even posted a screenshot:)

[whisper]I’m afraid the squirrels have exterminated the mice. Notice how the mice arn’t in the news anymore.[/whisper]

[whisper]Alright… I anticipated geeks to get my reference. If you had, you’d have said dolphins.[/whisper]