Who Am I? Yes - No Game

Ok here are the rules. A person picks a mystery person. Must be well known.

Next person asks a descriptive question about another well known person.

Were you at the battle of Falkirk?

If can name a person that was at the battle, ie No. I am not william wallace then the net person has to try and stump me. If I am stumped and can’t answer the question, then the stumper get’s to ask a yes / no question ie.

Someone asks: Are you Female?

I say: No

//we now now my person is male.

Then we continue with people trying to stump the mystery person and then ask more yes no questions. Until the person guesses the right person. Had I chose william wallace and the person asked if I was at the battle of falkirk I would have to say yes I was, and they get to ask a yes no question.

Let’s get this game going. I have my person.

yes :smiley:

what’s your claim to fame

// it seemed to work pretty well

darn work is getting in the way of following this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you alive?

My brain :smiley:

good brain

yes :smiley:

good brain


are you einstein?

bp - :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

not einstein :smiley:

good brain
not einstein

Stephen Hawkins?

are you american?


YEP :smiley:

**** you’re good

holy ****!

lucky guess . . . :stuck_out_tongue:

'kay got mine!

are you male?


go ahead and start it up! I’ll enjoy this.

Are you dead?

no I am not 97% of kirupa forum members :wink:

no i am not marlon brando :frowning:


are you alive?