Who has dyed their hair?

ive got dirty blond hair…im a guy… and i would never dye it black…cause it would just look freaky…

Mine has been dyed ever since I was about 16, so we’re talking a fair number of years.

Naturally it’s kind of a mousy blonde - not quite blonde but not quite brown either. Kind of in between, which annoyed me. So I’ve had it dyed light blonde the majority of the time, which I do myself because it’s horrendously expensive at a hairdressers otherwise.

Every once in a while though I get bored of the blonde or it looks like it’s getting too “Essex Girl” and brassy, so I change it to something else. I’ve done it black, bown, red… you name it. Currently it’s dark brown, but I put in some mahogany tints over the weekend, so it’s slightly reddish at the moment. Looking very cool though, if I do say so myself. :slight_smile:

I have put streaks through my hair not dyed it. my mate is a hairdresser, so i got it for free!!, the harshest thing i did was put blonde streaks in my natural brown hair. Looked good only when i put gel in it.

I still concede that theres an immediate inherent reaction with virtually anyone who sees someone with jet-black dyed hair that thinks that that person is distrubed - in most cases stereotyping to the rebellious mentally depressed. AND, those which Ive known had fit this stereotype well. – Thats just in my experience, and no doubt theres some cultural differences depending on where you live as well. Those crazy euros probably dig the black just fine :wink: :wink:

well iam greek , live in australia , guess u can call me half euro :slight_smile: all my mates have some sort of streak of colour in their hair, its a fashionable thing, alot of people make there hair black as well , it all depends on how you style it that makes it ‘unusual’ , lol. :smirk:

sigh…and some people are born with black hair. Guess that makes me disturbed from the very start lol. :+)

ha funny timing. i didn’t dye my hair but i did bleach it. it took so long to take effect on my jet black hair. we got this box of hair bleach solution and distributed it among 4 people, mine oddly turned out to be the best. two hours and reapplying about half and hour intervals and this is what happened:

i actually like it a lot.

■■■■, why it only showed half of my head i don’t know.


i don´t like dyed hairs for men… i think its better for girls. dunno why :-\

i´m leaving my hair grow tho. so, a lil bit of vanity is harmeles for a man, i think :wink:

senocular is right about the disturbed thing, after i graduated from the hell that was high school, i was left pretty disturbed and dyed my hair several times.

my hair is naturally blonde and i’ve home dyed it purple, black, lighter blonde, and red. i went to a salon once and had the tips dyed blue, but they did a terrible job and it looked gray after one wash and washed out after 3 or 4 washes. (it was supposed to be permanant).

the balck dye was the last one i did (at the end of my more gothic days). i was going to either bleach it white or dye it black because i was sick of my medium blonde/brown look. i went with the black and after a month or so it faded to dark brown which looked horrible and was the color i was trying to avoid in the first place. so i went to aonther salon and had a blonde weave (kinda like streaks but more natural looking) put in and it looks great. in fact, i need to go get it done again now. it’s been about a year and the light parts are pretty grown out now. i’ve just been putting it off since long hair like mine costs a bundle to get done.

so advice on the black dye for blonde hair: if you want it deep black, go ahead and do it yourself. it’s a bit messy, have a friend help, but it’s easy. apply iy twice for really good coverage. my hair doesn’t take color too well, so depending on what yours is like, you may have to re-dye often to keep a nice black.

there’s nothing wrong with dying your hair black, everyone’s got their reasons, whether it be to fit in, to stand out, or just for a change of pace. i think, though, that most people that go from blonde to black, don’t keep the black for much more than a year or so.