Would anyone be interested in replying who would they like/love to meet and why? It can be anyone and could be because of their personality, interests, looks, genre, work, occupation, anything that catches your attention.
I’d like to meet Nelson Mandela.
He just seems like a smart, intresting guy I could talk to for days. I’ll never forget when he was released he was interviewed on british tv by trevor mcdonald (a british institution) anyway trevor asked him
"Well Mr. Mandela you’re free, but how do you feel about your captors"
and Mandela replied “I hold no grudges”.
McDonald was shocked and spluttered “But they kept you in prison for almost 30 years” to which Mandela just shrugged his shoulders. What a guy.
[SIZE=1]edit: whoops, sorry guys should have searched for this thread first, should’ve known it would have been done before. [/SIZE]
great answer btw. He is an amazing person.
Jesus, and while I am alive and well, coherent and awake, and still on this Earth.
Why? I have A LOT of questions for Him.
He IS the thread master!
i will have to go with what unflux said, To meet Michael Jordan and shake his hand or even better shoot some hoops with him would be something out of this world for me.
also i would love to meet Eddy Murphy (man i can still watch Raw and delirious from start to finish and never feel bored).
Will Ferrell
I’ve always said my two biggest heros in my life are my sister and will ferrell. my sister because she’s faught through juvenille diabetes and will ferrell because he started a new brand of comedic acting. he is a genious. he is funny. i quote from him more than anyone.
I would like to meet myself.
Not because I am narsistic.
But because I would love to strangle myself and watch the life drain from my eyes.
I would like to know what it feels like to die, and since I can’t do that and live to talk about it, what better way than to watch yourself die
Can’t convict you of killing yourself now
That reminds me of how I used to sign my graduation pictures in high school:
I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive, but then I found out there were laws against suicide.
james hetfield. the lead singer of the best band ever, Metallica. without metallica, music is just noise to me.
I think I’d like to have a dinner party and invite Bill Murray, Will Ferrel and Robin Williams. We’d just drink, eat and talk. Would be a good night.
Invite me to dinner ethan!
what are you peeps smokin?!??! Snoop Dogg of course! Fo shizzle. Eh, I kinda wanna get beat the **** me out by Jet Li hehe
mcNecro… dinner tickets are $350 a seat. You can paypal me.
Radio… Come over and I’ll beat the crap out of you and we’ll just watch Jet Li movies after.
Bruce Dickinson - Lead singer from IRON MAIDEN
aight? hehe
I think I’d like to have a dinner party and invite Bill Murray, Will Ferrel and Robin Williams. We’d just drink, eat and talk. Would be a good night.
Ethan, with those three? Expect broken furniture and your funny bone fractured. LOL.
oh oh oh oh guess who i would pick guess gues!
ill tell you anyway!
nirvana changed the course of music!
he was a genius i tell you a genius!
calms down
darn it! how am I supposed to be creative with people who always are there before me and say the same thing!
well… bono and bush (just to kick him)
and sen
and kurt
and steven tyler
warren buffet, cal ripken jr., ryan stiles to name a few.