Whooo Hooo!

I just got my hands on Volume 1 of the Family Guy! It was just released here yesterday and only one store in the entire city had any copies left - makes me wonder how come it couldnt stay on the air :slight_smile:

there are 28 episodes on the darn thing, the whole first 2 seasons, I cannot wait to go home and start melting my brain away!!!

sorry for the spam I am just really excited :crazy:

well done man hope you enjoy

Congratulations Man! Seriously, you should have a party… I love family guy!

dont kill me please…

i have never saw it. :frowning:

haha, yea me too, I’ve never seen it, but anyways, if it’s so important to you then - congrats man! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

do yourself a favour and go out and buy it. Here is a quote from the back of the box

“if you were to take Homer Simpson, Cartman and Hank Hill and mix them up in a blender - you would get Family Guy”

It really is that funny.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
buy it

haha, yea, like that would be possible here :slight_smile:

I think that I could not find original The Simpsons video/cd/dvd, so it would be inpossible to find Family Guy even in kinda :pirate: shop

:shoots alex:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**:shoots alex: **

huh? =)

im still here.!:bad: :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Lynx - where do you live man?

i love family guy!!!


is that the show with that mean baby, the talking dog addicted to cofe and nicotine, that fat father that is dumber than homer sompson, fat nerd kid, unpopular girl and hot momy?

if yes, that show roks!


I was about to pull my gun out on you Guig0 … glad I didnt need to use it :wink:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

i was just j/k sen, no need to shoot me :slight_smile:

I watch Family Guy from the start :wink:

I stayed up till like 3am watching episodes last night… wow - its so amazing not having to sit through commercials :slight_smile:

Also, each of the 4 DISKS have 2 commentary tracks with the characters and the creator - all are very funny :slight_smile: What a great buy. I recommend it to anyone!


Only another great reason to not live in The Great White North…

I don’t deal with commercials…


TiVo! the best invention since sliced bread! It has changed the way I watch TV (and when)…


a digital recorder for your TV. It changes the channel for you, so you never miss a show you want. It goes out and finds shows it thinks you will like… you can pause, instant replay, slow motion, fast forward any show that comes over your cable…

seriously the best thing I have ever bought. Ever…


I soooo want a Tivo.