haha yea. its surprising how much humor it has that the little kiddies dont even get. expecailly the one where hs watching tv and theres all this obvious prno music and its a sea anemone or something and gary comes hes all embarassed.
You know, I met the guy who sings the song this summer. I was volunteering at the library - my job was to ensure no 3 year old kid ran up on stage while someone was performing (I was kinda like a bouncer for little kids lol).
One day, the guest was none other than the person who does the theme song for Spongebob Squarepants. I later found out that he also did some songs for Lion King and Peter Pan (no it isn’t Elton John lol). Anyhoo, I got to shake his hand and say that I am a big fan of his - he probably thinks I’m looney, but it’s ok
Man, Spongebob is the greatest thing in the world. My three sisters and I can only agree on one thing, and that’s spongebob. With DirecTV and two nick channels, you can manage a solid 3 friggin hours of this show, if you’re lucky.
God I love it. It’s honestly the cutest/funniest/best show on television. The Lost Episode just cracked me up. When it was like, the dupe, and he was just walking. First I was like “NOO! this can’t be the lost episode.” and then i was like “If I was high, this would be heaven.” and then I was like “Who needs to be high! I love this **** now!”