Why does my flash movie run slow in browser

Hey guys does anybody know why my flash movies play so much slower in my browser than when I preview them via test movie?


Yep, thats exactly what I’m saying norty. Check out my laptop too, the pic I posted looks very similar to the one I had, dusty and whatnot. 64MB mem and 475MHz. I made the 100fps web on that computer.

Do a search on “firefox flash” and you’ll get quite a few of flash slowdown posts on multiple forums. Comon now, all of these guys cant have sucky computers that cant handle tweens.

And I’m STILL wondering…what about everyone else with flash who arent experiencing this problem? All the big guys are working just fine, what the hell is going on?

How come both FF and IE play slow speeds?

So far, we’ve come down to:

The problem not being the computer.
The problem not being the browser, unless all browsers somehow coincidentally messed up their latest patches.

I’m not sure anymore, so we have to keep workin here.

I tried to email adobe regarding this issue, but i am running on demo, and there is no support for that. Maybe somebody who’s got a serialnumber can email them and ask what is going on here. Submit also a couple of links to this forum about this so, they see that it’s not 2 people who is expiriencing this.