I’ve uploaded and just checked a sandpaper rough layout of my site and all though it works fine on my dear dear computer at home…the evil computer I’m on at work holds a different story.
On this mac at work the motion tweening is soooo slow…now rationally I thought maybe it was the computer and that all sites with flash would have this problem… yet…I’ve been other flash sites and they run as smoothly as very agile sprinter doing a hundred meter sprint running downwind.
Now as I scratch my chin does anyone else have any ideas on
A; Am I doing somthing wrong or
2; is there something I’m not doing right or
E; is there something I can do to make my site smooth as silllk…not rough as cheese…
do a search on what guigo said weve discussed this a while back, problem is with the flash player on mac and if you have to many things goin on at the same time tweens, AS, and especially alphas these are very processor stressing, so try to have a motion tween where theres no AS and try to make alphas of solid colors and not images, for example make a square on the layer on top of the image and phade the square on top of the image and not the actual image when you can use this is when working with solid colors if not then its no good .