Here is my problem: I have my site working great so far, but it is bogging when ever something is moving. I am not doing anything really crazy here. Can someone help me out. And see what is going on. Is there to much going on? I have seen many site that have way more movement then this.
seems ok here, maybe a little slow when animating the first panel in (background panel). Might be the compression you are using. whats your FPS on your fla at the moment as well?
I always had problems with Macs running flash. It might be the code your using, something that is repetitive that may be causing flash to slow down.
looking back at your site, dont think compression is a problem, more of what could be a problem is not the size of the images, but the fact that everything is a moving graphic, that can put alot of strain on your processor and cause your flash movie to slow down.
Im running a p4 2.4 g on a PC on a cable modem, so its fine for me, but i can see where it would slow down for those with lower specs on there computers.
I’ve also noticed in your branding section on the left you can drag around some of the square and other you cant, with the ones you can, you can drag them all the way right , behind the main viewer of your site. might want to check that out.
I just checked out your site and didn’t see any slowdown anywhere.
That’s on a P4-1.8 512MB
The only thing I didn’t like was the scale of the fonts, I have 20/20 vision and although I can read your fonts, at my res of 1280x960 I wouldn’t bother trying to read them.
no problem here. very fast actually. I use cable internet.
I don’t think there is any problem at all, you have a proloader thats good.
ALSO with this topic. I had a simailar problem. I had a proloader, and on the first frame it was 44kb. this can’t be right because it was just plain text.
any ideas? i think it has to do something to do with loading objects in the first frame. how do you stop images and symbols loading in frame 1 or 0
[color=blue][off the topic][/color] for dreamer
i found that embedded text can do some harm with that, other wise dreamer i suggest you search for that topic. there have been of so many threads on that topic.
[color=blue][/off the topic][/color]
Thanks guys for all help. Aslo Soulty, What if I compress that backround image alot with the two images in the portfolio? Cause they do not have to be that clean. You think that will help a little? Also, I was just playing around with some ideas for that left nav. That is why some you can drag and other you can’t. What do you like? I just think that it got to much. Thanks for everything guys.